Message from @mineyful

Discord ID: 598307423240847400

2019-07-10 00:13:55 UTC  

@thing oh, show me how the equation doesn't lead to non-renormalizable gravity and please renormalize it for me

2019-07-10 00:13:56 UTC  


2019-07-10 00:14:00 UTC  

Then claim your Nobel prize

2019-07-10 00:14:02 UTC  

I'll wait.

2019-07-10 00:14:15 UTC  

@thing "The major flaw in your gravity disproof is that you are trying to disprove gravity by applying a Quantum System. Which has no real relavance at all to Relativity. You are just trying to apply two opposing theories"

2019-07-10 00:15:04 UTC  

Why dont you show me how it DOES indeed lead to re-normalizable gravity

2019-07-10 00:15:33 UTC  

After all, if you are trying to prove something then why would you ask someone else

2019-07-10 00:17:37 UTC  

Cmon now disprove quatum physics and general relativity

2019-07-10 00:17:40 UTC  

Ill wait

2019-07-10 00:17:59 UTC  

In physics there are two major theories to describe our universe. Quantum field theory and general relativity. Quantum field theory is a unifying theory that has so far encompassed electromagnetism, the weak force, and the strong force in their respective branches quantum electroweak theory and quantum chromodynamics. However, to create a full description of our universe we also need to add gravity, since it is the fourth fundamental interaction. And thus far gravity has broken down in small scales and places of extreme gravitational curvature. So, to create a unifying theory of physics (a so called theory of everything) we need to reconcile general relativity and furthermore gravity with quantum field theory.

2019-07-10 00:18:04 UTC  

@97 Eleven No personal attacks/insults please

2019-07-10 00:18:14 UTC  

Yeah i'm not sure undgrad physics will cover advanced stuff like this

2019-07-10 00:18:26 UTC  

if you would tell me where you're studying at that would help

2019-07-10 00:18:31 UTC  

so I could see what your major offers

2019-07-10 00:18:39 UTC  

and what they offer to undergrads research wise

2019-07-10 00:19:31 UTC  

I understand how general relativity and quantum mechanics break down at a fundamental level. But this in no way disproves what we know about the observable universe

2019-07-10 00:19:41 UTC  

@thing do you?

2019-07-10 00:19:45 UTC  

Show me it mathematically

2019-07-10 00:19:55 UTC  

Show me how the equations of each respective theory break down

2019-07-10 00:20:04 UTC  

I think that's where our miscommunication lies

2019-07-10 00:20:05 UTC  

@thing I'd stop here if he won't tell me where he goes he is most likely lying about what he knows

2019-07-10 00:20:13 UTC  

You are not disproving gravity at all, you are just trying to stump me with quantum system field equations

2019-07-10 00:20:34 UTC  

He's not trying to explain the concept to you

2019-07-10 00:20:43 UTC  

he's spamming equations and garble that doesn't help anyone

2019-07-10 00:20:55 UTC  

if he cared and knew what he was talking about he would ELI5 for you

2019-07-10 00:21:15 UTC  

At this point he has no credibility on his major or place of study

2019-07-10 00:21:22 UTC  

his expertise is as good as ours right now

2019-07-10 00:21:23 UTC  

How does this conclude to you that the Earth is flat? It's one thing to acknowledge that gravity is not a unifying theory, but to become a FE because of that?

2019-07-10 00:21:27 UTC  

Exactly @mineyful

2019-07-10 00:21:53 UTC  

You can find the equations he so called made from simply looking at some Quantum field equations

2019-07-10 00:22:03 UTC  

He isnt disproving gravity

2019-07-10 00:22:30 UTC  

Please @97 Eleven describe how this was conclusive to u being a FE

2019-07-10 00:22:30 UTC  

@mineyful 1. Yes they don't cover this but that doesn't mean what I'm saying is wrong. If you disagree feel free to fact check it.
2. Northeastern

2019-07-10 00:22:41 UTC  

northeastern were

2019-07-10 00:22:49 UTC  

@thing "quantum system field equations" 😂

2019-07-10 00:23:15 UTC  

you got into a private university and you still doubt that the earth is round?

2019-07-10 00:23:23 UTC  

They are just field equations trying to piece non-applicable theories

2019-07-10 00:23:31 UTC  

@mineyful bud, you can use ad homs and such but if you don't trust my claims fact check

2019-07-10 00:24:00 UTC  

Saying stuff like "he's lying because I don't believe know where he studies" ain't going to make my claims any less valid

2019-07-10 00:24:06 UTC  

@97 Eleven I find this very interesting, how do you believe your "research" concluded you believing in a FE

2019-07-10 00:24:26 UTC  

you in applied physics or just general physics