Message from @David🍪

Discord ID: 599318440163016762

2019-07-12 19:05:36 UTC  

This is worrying

2019-07-12 19:05:56 UTC  

Do some study on the fourth dimension. When I walk I see a two dimensional shadow of my three dimensional body. So that is what they say. If fourth dimension is real all we could see is a shadow of it.

2019-07-12 19:06:35 UTC  

So they choose when they do and do not interact with our three dimensions?

2019-07-12 19:06:49 UTC  

Yes it scared the crap out of me. I had never seen anything like that before. A couple of times a few angels or demons but I barely saw them.

2019-07-12 19:07:26 UTC  

I suppose they choose if we can see them. Or someone else turns it off and on.

2019-07-12 19:07:42 UTC  

So how did your eyes see them then? We can see our shadows because the light we used to see is also three dimensional a shadow would not be able to see us

2019-07-12 19:08:06 UTC  

I do not think it was my eyes seeing. Something else.

2019-07-12 19:08:23 UTC  

Third eye?

2019-07-12 19:08:24 UTC  

If you saw them with your eyeballs it would mean that your eyes are either picking up something four dimensional or they interact with our 3d light

2019-07-12 19:08:50 UTC  

Okay so some kind of non-physical sence then

2019-07-12 19:09:04 UTC  

No it was more like feeling them yet seeing. Super strange for sure. I did not understand it at all but it went on for many hours.

2019-07-12 19:09:26 UTC  

Did you also experience voices or noises?

2019-07-12 19:11:48 UTC  

I kept praying God what is happening. What are these creatures doing. Why do I see them. Am I going to die. Eventually I heard words and had a conversation about my choice life or death. What would be the consequences on my family based on my choice. Either way they would be helped but living would be better for them. I choose life. I did not see who I was speaking and hearing. In prayer. A few times I spoke to my wife who was in the room. She did not see what I explained.

2019-07-12 19:13:02 UTC  

My vision of her was off and on. Like I could choose see reality or into this fourth dimension.

2019-07-12 19:13:47 UTC  

The pain was so great from my fall. Mostly I kept my eyes closed to try to cope with that pain.

2019-07-12 19:14:57 UTC  

I opened them just to try to understand what I was seeing. Then I would see both . I could not stop seeing the blue beings and things they were moving around. Even building what looked like rails for their buckets or whatever they kept moving.

2019-07-12 19:16:22 UTC  

So when you said you had pain from your fall are you talkin about a physical fall or head injury you had?

2019-07-12 19:16:31 UTC  

The blue beings were silent. Though sometimes I would understand what they said to one another. Not hear.

2019-07-12 19:16:41 UTC  

Is that why your eyes and or head was hurting?

2019-07-12 19:17:17 UTC  

Yes. 20 stitches in my head and a tennis ball sized lump on my forehead. Like half of one.

2019-07-12 19:17:30 UTC  

Go to a frickin psychiatric

2019-07-12 19:17:46 UTC  

I fell ten feet and hit my head I guess. I do not remember the fall or anything else I did that day.

2019-07-12 19:18:12 UTC  

I see

2019-07-12 19:18:30 UTC  

Did you see a doctor?

2019-07-12 19:18:31 UTC  

I got all the help I needed. It took months to stop seeing professionals.

2019-07-12 19:18:41 UTC  


2019-07-12 19:18:51 UTC  

I’m glad you’re feeling better

2019-07-12 19:18:51 UTC  

This was in the Hospital. There for most of a month.

2019-07-12 19:18:57 UTC  

I'm glad that you got out of that fine Steve

2019-07-12 19:19:02 UTC  

I fell at home of course.

2019-07-12 19:19:11 UTC  

However it's starting to sound like what you had was an audio visual hallucination

2019-07-12 19:19:30 UTC  

My wife and son in law got me to the car after trying to stop the bleeding and into the Hospital.

2019-07-12 19:19:50 UTC  

We live close that was the fastest way to get those three miles.

2019-07-12 19:20:30 UTC  

I make no claim what it was. Just what I felt I saw.

2019-07-12 19:21:46 UTC  

It does explain I suppose why for me believing in a fourth dimension like many scientist say most likely is real is real. This is not flat earth. Many globe earth people believe in extra dimensions. Even possible portals to get to them.

2019-07-12 19:24:49 UTC  

Fair enough I just wanted to address the angel claim

2019-07-12 19:29:57 UTC  

Hey can someone tell me the flat earth explanation of a sunset?

2019-07-12 19:30:47 UTC  

The idea is that the sun gets so far away and so close to the horizon that perspective and atmospheric effects obscure it completely.

2019-07-12 19:32:46 UTC  

But you can see it become a half circle as it sets and rises right?

2019-07-12 19:44:25 UTC  

Apparently, the bottom portion of it blends into the horizon first.

2019-07-12 19:44:43 UTC  

I kept driving a lot to work on a very crowded freeway. I would see cars stop for no valid reason. i could not understand why come to a complete stop if the car in front of you is not stopping. This went on for years. I started to pray about it. Then one day I had to stop yet the car in front of me was still moving. I looked around and for a tiny time saw angels moving two cars so they did not crash.

That was when i saw angels.

For years I would see demons. Barely. Just a tiny amount of blackness. Some spoke to me.

If you want to think I was just crazy fine with me.