Message from @Uzi
Discord ID: 577175304011907074
nasa can kiss my <:butthurt:507983822244151306>
No it is not
I suppose that is kind of pointless to note, even, in my case
No it is not
*Carry on. Kek*
Not it is not
Not it is not
well it is
Is not
it defo is
it defo isn't.
100% is
100% isn't.
No matter how much you say it, it will ***NEVER*** be true.
no doubt about it it is
It is not
we dont agree
show me proof
the earth is flat
The burden of proof is on you.
where is your proof that solidly 100% debunks NASA, SpaceX and all other scientists that believe in NASA
there u go
u have no proof
invalid claim
not soz
now whos pathetic for not debating me smg
The issue with NASA and Space X and Blue Horizon and all the other groups is their government funding. Much of which is based on public reception. This means that at least some of what these groups do is bound to end up just being a bit of a show.
The burden of proof falls on the person making the claim against the establishment
think of trial procedure
show me proof of flat earth
I mean, there is proof here if you'd at least look around
tell me