Message from @MrLeonVWF

Discord ID: 577526733142622209

2019-05-13 16:02:23 UTC  

Autism and vaccines are 0% connected

2019-05-13 16:02:26 UTC  


2019-05-13 16:02:30 UTC  

i was told to post this by an outer source

2019-05-13 16:02:35 UTC  


2019-05-13 16:02:43 UTC  

@パートナーキラー i watched this already

2019-05-13 16:02:51 UTC  

Its pure brain food

2019-05-13 16:02:55 UTC  

who hasn't xD

2019-05-13 16:02:57 UTC  

i was just told to post it

2019-05-13 16:03:13 UTC  

It is a great video

2019-05-13 16:03:19 UTC  

They argue both sides

2019-05-13 16:03:21 UTC  


2019-05-13 16:03:44 UTC  

And normally they dont make debating type videos

2019-05-13 16:03:55 UTC  

And they did here

2019-05-13 16:04:08 UTC  

And it was executed perfectly

2019-05-13 16:04:28 UTC  

what video on what ?

2019-05-13 16:04:30 UTC  

That channel is pure brain food

2019-05-13 16:04:35 UTC  


2019-05-13 16:04:39 UTC  

oh the vaccines

2019-05-13 16:04:50 UTC  

imma watch that right now

2019-05-13 16:05:03 UTC  

Check thier whole channel

2019-05-13 16:05:05 UTC  

Youll see

2019-05-13 16:05:21 UTC  

I crave thier videos

2019-05-13 16:06:45 UTC  

Idk i will always think big pharma wants more sick people so

2019-05-13 16:07:01 UTC  

Its wise to question everything

2019-05-13 16:07:05 UTC  

You have to

2019-05-13 16:07:13 UTC  

leviticus 18:22

2019-05-13 16:07:14 UTC  

**Leviticus 18:22 - King James Version with Apocrypha (KJVA)**


<22> Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. ```

2019-05-13 16:07:39 UTC  

Its crucial as a species that challange everything we learn

2019-05-13 16:07:51 UTC  

mathew 18:15-19

2019-05-13 16:07:51 UTC  

**Matthew 18:15-19 - New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)**

Reproving Another Who Sins

<15> "If another member of the church sins against you, go and point out the fault when the two of you are alone. If the member listens to you, you have regained that one. <16> But if you are not listened to, take one or two others along with you, so that every word may be confirmed by the evidence of two or three witnesses. <17> If the member refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if the offender refuses to listen even to the church, let such a one be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector. <18> Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. <19> Again, truly I tell you, if two of you agree on earth about anything you ask, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. ```

2019-05-13 16:08:11 UTC  

The stupid question is the one you never ask

2019-05-13 16:08:16 UTC  

According to Lawrence Krause u don’t need to question evolution it’s a fact not debatebale

2019-05-13 16:08:35 UTC  

Of course its debatable

2019-05-13 16:08:36 UTC  

it is fact

2019-05-13 16:08:39 UTC  

mathew 18 KJV

2019-05-13 16:08:43 UTC  

John 1:5

2019-05-13 16:08:44 UTC  

**John 1:5 - New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)**


<5> The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. ```

2019-05-13 16:08:49 UTC  

Everything in life is debatable

2019-05-13 16:08:53 UTC  


2019-05-13 16:08:57 UTC  

Its your choice to beleive it