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Any flat earthers here that want to debate?
Love the name lol flatapuss ๐
Anyway. Where do we debate? Here??
Ah ok.
Im in vc but muted?
I have a red circle
Wont let me talk @normflakes ๐ฎ @realFlatEarther :(
Well i dont want to flood people thats why i wanted to vc
But ill debate here if everyone is ol with that?
@รtos ok thats cool
Your a mod @รtos?
Fair enough
So i wanted to discuss that why the earth is not flat
Well 1st off, no glober of any merit has ever said the earth is perfectly round. It isnt. And even images show its not perfectly round
(If you mesure any image left to right, top to bottom) youll see its not the same
Heres one i have found didnt post?
Ah ok @รtos well i had an image for you to see of measurements
Anyway. Also any eclipse would also show the earth as thin rather than a circle pojected onto the moon.
Also flat earth preachers say that round earthers would* are all on the gvmt pay role, though will charge you to sit in one of their seminars
Wow edited it and still came out wrong
Also, flat water is not a thing. The sea has waves = not flat. Lakes have ripples = not flat. Ect
Even in a tea cup, water is moving
Water is not always level if it is always moving
From edge to edge it is constantly moving. Even the most still water of lakes is moving on the edges
The only true way to get flat water would be to freeze it, and even then it is never flat
If an ocean has waves, that does not mean its flat.
If water is never flat then. If it is mostly flat, then that still doesnt make liquid flat
Or water
A ripple doesnt make it flat
If you put water in a spirit level, it takes shape of the glass. It is always the shape of its container
You drive it iver a wave though
Or sail a boat not drive
What am i saying lol
Its not a perfect sphere though. Globers or how ever you call us know its not a perfectly sphere
If you want, get a stencil and take a recent image of earth from anyone. And it will show its not perfectly round
I think it is 100% healthy to challange everything as to why i dont mind flat earthers. But its not healthy to challange evidence from scientistz
@letter_lover you a round earther too?
Lol its not stupid to think the earth is flat. Infact, its healthy to challange things we learn. Its not healthy to challange the evidence. Imo though @letter_lover
Because a scientist vs a guy on youtube i know who im standing with
@letter_lover , don't swear if you can help it. It brings us down
So what would every scientist/pilot/sailer have to benefit from telling you earth is flat rather than round
^amateur and pros by the way
What about water bottles?
@WeebHunter69 who even is that?
Not interested in her. Is that hentai?
What even is that?
< dont know what hentai is
Well i dont know what this woman is, but im not clicking her lol
<@221423521824374785> they dont have the answer. Also i think these guys are just messing.
The hell is senpau?
<@221423521824374785> these guys dont really chat about flat earth. They just troll lol
*googles senpai* ๐ค
Ive been called senpai by a friend before. She was really in to manga or anime what ever @letter_lover
So now ive seen it. I need to google it as it must be a typical phrase
The hell is a kouhai?
It says when a kouhai wants your attention
What the hell is that? its just a younger person that wants attention?
Dont understand
Not in....a loving way right?
Ah ok phew
Thought it was
Wait what?
Im way too old for her ๐ก
Im 32 ffs lol
Shes 22
10 years bloody older. No
She dont mean it like that surely,
Ok i need to talk to her privately about this probably
Wait or not
She might try things.
Well shes cute. But damm
In private or nah?
Do i speak to her privately or nah?
Seems like she would get the wrong idea @letter_lover
Ok enough of that stuff. Im just gonna pretend its nothing
@Rigg5 , your the guy to talk too?
So ive messaged her about meeting up?
Ill wait and see
Well its just to chat
Cool, im going over later
She said come over. Guess im going over?
Stop @letter_lover
Its not like that im sure
Lol its cool @letter_lover just feel on edge now she might mean more now.
Yeah im a dad :)
Huh? Why?
Now why??
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