Message from @Human Sheeple

Discord ID: 579639973813420032

2019-05-19 08:59:07 UTC  

The earth is A-shaped

2019-05-19 09:15:55 UTC  

The earth is flat btw

2019-05-19 10:17:31 UTC  

Noe the earth is a taco

2019-05-19 10:31:56 UTC  

you folks disgust me. scientists have an armada of evidence in favour of the flat earth, i cannot believe so few people acknowledge this fact. reprehensible comportment

2019-05-19 11:31:37 UTC  

We made everybody believe we went to the moon in 1969,
LSD MKULTRA Psychological Operations to manipulate your mind,
That's when Richard Nixon bombed Cambodia without telling congress,
You believe the same man for the watergate scandal he got arrested.

They faked going to the moon, in a cement studio with front screen projection,
Smoke and mirrors, moon bounce signals, it is all misdirection,
There was no blast crater, flew on a tinfoil homeless tweaker shelter,
The flag was waving wildly, no pressure there not even mildly,

Parallel shadows with patent 3,239,660
Number of people who actually walked on the lunar surface: ZERO.
Because we didn't go there admitted Buzz your hero,
He's really just a freemason drinking the Adreno,

We were never able to see stars from the daylight side of the moon,
Nudge from Collins, shut up Neil you will reveal our cartoon,
Rockets don't produce meaningful thrust in a vacuum,
But please pre order your tickets to go into space soon,

We're going to the moon in the year 2069,
When we've mastered aether propulsion all in good time,
The ISS is fake, the astronauts are dangling on a line,
How does NASA get away with this heinous fraudulent crime?

Apollo 13 got captured by the Soviet USSR I think,
Coastguard ship Southwind set sail when the cold war was on the brink,
To recover the capsule that aborted into the drink,
The official story by the Kissenger Adminstration really stinks.

We never went to the moon, in 1969.
You're all really just sheeple, you really are all blind,
Go back to sleep, we're not lying to you, everything is all just fine.
Photograph or painting please will you just make up your damn mind?

2019-05-19 11:33:55 UTC  


2019-05-19 12:00:10 UTC  

And why would the gouvernement tell us that earth is a globe? I mean what would they gain for such a hight quality lie?

2019-05-19 12:00:32 UTC  

power money prestige aesthetically pleasing more land world view control economic dominance spite the creator dictate reality perception dominance hide us from our true potential and abilities hookers and blow confirmation of occultism keep the sheep in the middle of the pen paying taxes no more land to discover on the globe astronomers protecting themselves from the noose alien deception replacing god as an object of worship promotion of secular statism and many many more.

2019-05-19 12:00:45 UTC

2019-05-19 12:00:47 UTC

2019-05-19 12:00:50 UTC

2019-05-19 12:01:01 UTC

2019-05-19 12:01:36 UTC

2019-05-19 12:01:46 UTC

2019-05-19 12:01:46 UTC

2019-05-19 12:01:48 UTC  

Hide us from our true potential? What does that means?

2019-05-19 12:02:01 UTC

2019-05-19 12:02:03 UTC  

Mind control really?

2019-05-19 12:02:12 UTC  

@Rip Yeah you're a superhero didn't you know?

2019-05-19 12:02:18 UTC  

What do you think all the fluoride's for

2019-05-19 12:02:23 UTC  

It's to dumb you right down

2019-05-19 12:03:11 UTC

2019-05-19 12:03:40 UTC  

You're capable of soooo much, but they've got you like this:

2019-05-19 12:04:08 UTC  

Then if they have mind control techniques how are you not believing in their lies?

2019-05-19 12:05:03 UTC  

By being an ultra paranoid sketchy fucker who doesn't use phones, drinks only water he distillates himself, wraps his room up in aluminium foil, switching off the TV, digging DEEP into stuff and looking at all the stuff they don't want you to see and reading between the lines and networking with similar minded people.

2019-05-19 12:05:24 UTC  

Also I can see the strings

2019-05-19 12:05:35 UTC  

Does all the flat earther do that?

2019-05-19 12:05:49 UTC  

I don't think so

2019-05-19 12:06:16 UTC  

And you didn't answer my questions: What hidden potential?

2019-05-19 12:06:31 UTC  

No the government have infiltrated half of flat earth, they set up a front company called metatron who also do holograms and beam 3D holograms of space ships over Israel and they pay 501c3 groups to make it look like they are flat earthers but they're really globers. It's called counter intelligence programs

2019-05-19 12:07:28 UTC  

@Rip Your mind, you can design, engineer just about anything. You can solve puzzles, you are capable of telepathy, telekenesis, out of body experiences, vision of the future, word has it levitation is even possible

2019-05-19 12:07:39 UTC  


2019-05-19 12:08:28 UTC  

So do you who are not subject of this mind control are capable of telekinesis?

2019-05-19 12:09:39 UTC  

Flat Earth movements are not new, Masons took over FES in the 60's,
Johnson went independent with IFERS, they burned his house to the ground,
Shenton brough it back in the 2000's he VANISHED
Powerland brought it back in 2011, they slandered him when he wouldn't play ball.
They brought in Sargant and Steer and their minions to take over.
They bought up the trademark to "Flat Earth" and censored it all over youtube.

2019-05-19 12:10:28 UTC  

You didn't answer^^ again

2019-05-19 12:11:14 UTC

2019-05-19 12:11:14 UTC  

@12kasperg We've unlocked the Aether, your body emmits frequencies and receives frequencies

2019-05-19 12:12:57 UTC  

So... When people believed the earth was flat and when they didn't have ''mind control'' technology why they were not capable of telekinesis?

2019-05-19 12:13:46 UTC  

And you didn't answer I don't care a out some people doing telepathy i was wondering if YOU could use TELEKINESIS