Message from @Human Sheeple

Discord ID: 582321839561375774

2019-05-26 21:35:08 UTC  

Alfred Olliver, Quartermaster in Lifeboat 5

Quartermaster Oliver states he did not see the sinking clearly, but thought she had broke apart:

Pages 530 and 531:

Senator BURTON. Did you see the boat sink?
Mr. OLLIVER. I can not say that I saw it right plain; but to my imagination I did, because the lights went out before she went down.
Senator BURTON. How did she sink?
Mr. OLLIVER. She was well down at the head at first, when we got away from her at first, and to my idea she broke forward, and the afterpart righted itself and made another plunge and went right down. I fancied I saw her black form. It was dark, and I fancied I saw her black form going that way.
Senator BURTON. Did she careen over, tip over sideways, or did she go ahead?
Mr. OLLIVER. She went ahead, like that [indicating].
Senator BURTON. Did you hear explosions?
Mr. OLLIVER. I heard several little explosions, but it was not such explosions as I expected to hear.
Senator BURTON. Were these before or after she sank?
Mr. OLLIVER. Before she sank and while she was sinking.
Senator BURTON. What did you think those explosions were?
Mr. OLLIVER. Myself, I thought they were like bulkheads giving in.

2019-05-26 21:35:16 UTC  

And it's all synced

2019-05-26 21:35:21 UTC  

```. I heard several little explosions, ```

2019-05-26 21:35:36 UTC  

FACT: The author of the book was poisoned to death a couple years after the Titanic sank.

2019-05-26 21:35:39 UTC  

Fact: People can make the biggest mistakes of their life because they were assured it would be unsinkable

2019-05-26 21:36:01 UTC  

Mr. WARD. She gave a kind of sudden lurch forward, and I heard a couple of reports, reports more like a volley of musketry than anything else. You would not exactly call them a heavy explosion. It did not seem to me like an explosion at all.

2019-05-26 21:36:13 UTC  

Mr. CROWE. Yes, sir; then there was an explosion, and the aft part turned on end and sank.

2019-05-26 21:36:18 UTC  

more like he overdosed on something

2019-05-26 21:36:21 UTC  

Senator BOURNE. Did you hear any explosion or noise?
Mr. ANDREWS. I heard just a small sound, sir; it was not very loud, but just a small sound.

2019-05-26 21:36:32 UTC  

FACT: The Federal Reserve was formed the very next year.

2019-05-26 21:36:34 UTC  

John Collins, Cook on Lifeboat B

Mr. Collins does not specifically say he saw the ship split apart, but his comments do seem to indicate he felt the ship was broken apart by the explosions. Collins had been thrown into the water from the Boat Deck going under.

2019-05-26 21:36:50 UTC  

Mr. Clench did not know if the ship broke apart, though he did hear several explosions.

2019-05-26 21:37:15 UTC  

, and she was going down by the bow most all the time, and all of a sudden there were four sharp explosions about that

2019-05-26 21:37:23 UTC  

FACT: The Astor Family was one of the richest families in the world and John Astor III opposed the Federal Reserve.

John Jacob Astor IV, the richest man in the world at the time, a friend of Nikola Tesla, and an outspoken opponent of the creation of the Federal Reserve. Astor gained his wealth, in part, as a real estate builder, investor, and inventor. Other prominent Federal Reserve detractors, such as Benjamin Guggenheim and Isa Strauss, also died on board.

2019-05-26 21:37:54 UTC  

Sounds like an orchestrated hit to get rid of a lot of thorns in the eye of the globalists

2019-05-26 21:38:19 UTC  

So there you have it folks multiple witnesses remember hearing series of small explosions

2019-05-26 21:38:31 UTC  

and a massive one after the ship was evacuated

2019-05-26 21:38:49 UTC  

because things blew apart.

2019-05-26 21:38:51 UTC  

I'm now leaning towards "bomb"/Cover up

2019-05-26 21:39:00 UTC  


2019-05-26 21:39:05 UTC  

Got a photograph of this "iceberg" ?

2019-05-26 21:39:10 UTC  

Why not land the ship on the iceberg then

2019-05-26 21:39:16 UTC  

This ship was "unsinkable"

2019-05-26 21:39:17 UTC  

way easier to do that

2019-05-26 21:39:25 UTC  

The ship had bulkheads in case of hull failure

2019-05-26 21:39:29 UTC  

are there any unsinkable ships today?

2019-05-26 21:39:45 UTC  

surely we would have passed that point

2019-05-26 21:39:47 UTC  

SS Prinz Eugen surivived 2 nuclear blasts and had to be torpedoed repeatedly in order to sink

2019-05-26 21:39:57 UTC  

German Engineering

2019-05-26 21:40:15 UTC  

ships sink more often than we think. to think it was unsinkable was a ego stroke of the designer

2019-05-26 21:42:46 UTC  

Photograph of the iceberg?

2019-05-26 21:43:10 UTC  

NONE of the witnesses recall seeing an iceberg

2019-05-26 21:43:43 UTC

2019-05-26 21:53:32 UTC  

Wahhyyyy hello

2019-05-26 21:53:40 UTC  

🇫 <:a_:507995510624354305> 🇨 🇹

2019-05-26 21:54:19 UTC  


2019-05-26 21:54:33 UTC  


2019-05-26 21:54:43 UTC  

Wait lol tf is "Melting pot" role?

2019-05-26 21:54:51 UTC  

just asking do u believe the earth is flat

2019-05-26 21:54:51 UTC  
