Message from @Human Sheeple
Discord ID: 589891371767169026
so what makes a weight scale work
there's no acceleartion
A lot of the time "secret allies" are people with the same goals, just looked at differently, who's people can't get along even if they can.
@A Search for Roche's Rifle Hey help me out with something
Oh I love queen!!
In your mind, is there a 24-hr sun in the Arctic
Pushing down on me
Pressing down on you
I have no idea why anyone is still focusing on 24-hr sun when there's plenty of other issues they think they can prove...
Robed snake oil salesmen have tried to woo people with "I understand the Gods in the sky" since the dawn of time, it's really old now
Mhm ^^
if they admit that, then they have to admit that pictures and video are usable as evidence
I see the same sun stars moon planets in the sky you do
then it shows that they just accept certain videos and dismiss others, with no consistency
I can't test them however
But I still see a flat floor and a horizontal horizon
So, it only exposes theirs and not yours? You have a pretty big double standard when it comes to which evidence you cite and which ones you don't.
@Human Sheeple If someone puts their hand in front of your eyes and blocks your view
how do you prove what blocked your view?
I quickly turn my head and see my naughty little daughter blocking my eyes and tickle her then the hand disappears
@Human Sheeple they ran away before you did that
you can't manipulte your proposed cause of your blocked view
therefore by your logic you have no test no science, and you can't explain it at all
Except I just did by tickling the 6 year old girl
So the cause of my blocked view was a naughty attention seekative child
The effect was me not being able to see discord
Everything that can be proven can also be disproven, if your goal is to expose us, you'll also expose yourself. That's just how it works.
^not sure what your'e talking about
I can prove I have 10 fingers, how could that be disproven
@L o k i The difference is I have nothing to lose
Which makes me extremely dangerous
When you learn to let you, you realise they have nothing to threaten you with
They may take your body, but not your obedience