Message from @bomull
Discord ID: 589897101060603994
what YOU SEE is a reality
4 fingers and 1 thumb is the standard
chopping one off doesnt chnage that
if you chop ONE OFF. then count what you SEE.. that is your new reality
3 fingers.. 1 thumb.. what is the problem?
our OBSERVATIONS are more reliable than heresay or unprovable theory
I was just pointing out his double standard.
i know you were..
I'm streaming bohemian rhapsody right now if anyone would like to join.
Great! Glad we're on the same page.
i saw it twice in the movie theater.. i loved it.. great movie
Yeah! I'm a real big fan of queen, I'm watching it again with a couple friends of mine.
good deal
Queen is coming here to play this next month
a few seats left
What you see is how your eyes and brain transforms electromagnetical waves. Reality has no colour itself
lets lock the flat earthers in a basement
@bomull They tend to lock themselves there
Well then all the Flat Earthers wouldn't have a basement to dwell in anymore and then they would start telling people the Earth is Flat in the street
You could lock them up in a jail but then all the prisoners and the guards would be flat earth
Or you could put them in psychiatric hospitals then all the crazies nurses and doctors would be flat earth
Nah just buy them a space trip with space walk and when they say the earths projection of the helmet tell them how to open it
yeah but we lock them in a room and set it on fire. then they die so we wont have to be bothered by their stupid beliefs
@Sausage Don't, you'll get scammed by Russian Jews.
Space X organises them as well
Old Elon
Space X is run by another Jew called Elon Musk
why dont we just build our own rockets then send them up. but then the realise its a bomb rigged to explode and then it detonates
Happy Father’s Day to any fathers out there
except the flat earth fathers
@bomull Because the upper stage engine technology is still classified under way of international treaty and is therefore not repeatably testable
Despite people’s beliefs they should be treated they same
Why glove ?