Message from @Seeker of Truth

Discord ID: 592726842255867920

2019-06-24 14:42:19 UTC  

I was asking you before

2019-06-24 14:42:25 UTC  

So gravity stops?

2019-06-24 14:42:26 UTC  

Z g flights

2019-06-24 14:42:31 UTC  

You can book them

2019-06-24 14:42:39 UTC  

So gravity stops?

2019-06-24 14:42:45 UTC  

No, yet again, you are just countering gravity

2019-06-24 14:42:46 UTC  

less air equals less pressure

2019-06-24 14:42:56 UTC  


2019-06-24 14:43:01 UTC  

You mean falling?

2019-06-24 14:43:11 UTC  

every flight is a zero G flight as gravity does not exist ^^

2019-06-24 14:43:13 UTC  

You are accelerating with the same speed as the earth is pulling you down

2019-06-24 14:43:21 UTC  


2019-06-24 14:43:24 UTC  


2019-06-24 14:43:30 UTC  

Is the contents of the plane under the effects of gravity in your model when it’s nose diving?

2019-06-24 14:43:35 UTC  

So@Seeker of Truth how do we stay on earth?

2019-06-24 14:44:08 UTC  

on earth... you mean in The World?

2019-06-24 14:44:24 UTC  

Gravity is a constant force and yes, the plane and you are still affected by gravity

2019-06-24 14:44:37 UTC  

So not zero g

2019-06-24 14:44:41 UTC  

You just don't experience it because you counter the force of gravity by free falling

2019-06-24 14:44:48 UTC  

Yes, you experience 0 g

2019-06-24 14:44:51 UTC  

gravity has never been proven

2019-06-24 14:44:52 UTC  

What makes you fall?

2019-06-24 14:45:02 UTC  

it is not a law, it is an unproven theory

2019-06-24 14:45:04 UTC  

Yes but that doesn't make 'gravity' true

2019-06-24 14:45:05 UTC  

a label

2019-06-24 14:45:18 UTC  

Okay, I really would like to continue in a VC

2019-06-24 14:45:27 UTC  

I am tired of writing the same things

2019-06-24 14:45:32 UTC  

Gravity is as ambiguous as aether

2019-06-24 14:45:32 UTC  

If i don’t experience gravity what is making me fall while I’m in the 0G plane

2019-06-24 14:45:35 UTC  

you can't always get what you want

2019-06-24 14:45:35 UTC  

Gravity could be an entirely different kind of force than you've been told

2019-06-24 14:45:51 UTC  
2019-06-24 14:45:57 UTC  

All you’re doing is repeating yourself why would we want to get into a voice chat with you@ZeroT

2019-06-24 14:46:10 UTC  

You claim dark matter isbexpandi the universe

2019-06-24 14:46:16 UTC  

Can you back that claim up?

2019-06-24 14:46:23 UTC  

Imagine taking ideal gas laws seriously

2019-06-24 14:46:27 UTC  

Gravity has been proven. What causes it on earth has not been proven. The assumption is mass to mass attraction but that has so many problems to overcome to prove it is real.

2019-06-24 14:46:52 UTC  

Gravity is always pulling you down, but, because you are going down with the same acceleration, you don't experience it anymore

2019-06-24 14:46:55 UTC  


2019-06-24 14:47:00 UTC  

Dark matter is the biggest cop out in astrophysical history

2019-06-24 14:47:06 UTC  

A simple question and I still didn't get any answer