Message from @President Sanders📍🇺🇸

Discord ID: 595128100811964417

2019-07-01 05:40:55 UTC  


2019-07-01 05:41:19 UTC  

People on here are hella sensitive too

2019-07-01 05:41:33 UTC  

Dammit BG

2019-07-01 05:41:40 UTC  

Believing in the globe requires no critical thinking because it was beaten into your head since you were a child

2019-07-01 05:41:51 UTC  


2019-07-01 05:42:11 UTC  

Can I get image perms or is there a channel for it?

2019-07-01 05:42:13 UTC  

@Big W shh

2019-07-01 05:42:25 UTC  

U shh

2019-07-01 05:42:34 UTC  

There's curvature in the dogcam vid

2019-07-01 05:42:36 UTC  


2019-07-01 05:43:00 UTC  

One scientist had this to say about Gravity...

2019-07-01 05:43:06 UTC  

Wonder what the anti vaxxers are up to

2019-07-01 05:43:13 UTC  

There are several ways to disprove gravity.

1) Experimentally One simple experiment shows there is no gravity. The Helium Balloon. It rises. How is this possible?

Classical Mechanics shows that Force equals the Constant of Gravity multiplied by the Mass of Object 1 multiplied by the Mass of Object 2 divided by the Distance between the two masses raised to the second power. F=GM1M2/r^2 With this logic, the mass of the Earth is so great that the helium balloon would have no choice but to be attracted to the Earth.

We have mass 1 pulling on mass 2 and mass 2 pulling on mass 1. F1 = F2. This is just wrong. The force of the balloon that pulls the Earth is not equal to the force that the Earth pulls on the balloon. It would not rise. What we see in the experiment that the helium is rising to meet its level of density.

2) Commutitive The mathematics of gravity is a concept called Zero Point Mass. This is a mass without a volume. This is not found in the universe. The main problem here is the reduction of 3 dimensional densities to 0 dimensional masses. Once a density is reduces to a mass, the mass cannot be returned to the original shape of the density. So we cannot cube a zero and get anything but another zero.

This breaks the commutative properties of addition. Let’s look at some of the equations and how gravity fails at a fundamental level. F=ma : Force equals mass times acceleration. We have a zero dimensional mass * a 2 dimensional vector and that does not equal a 3 dimensional field.

2019-07-01 05:43:14 UTC  

So the main axiom of gravity fails the commutative test. This alone should disprove gravity. F = G(M1*M2)/r^2 : Force = The constant of Gravity * (The zero dimensional mass 1 * The zero dimensional mass 2)/ The 3 dimensional length between them squared. So every object pulls every other object. The dimensional problem occurs again. A constant is what is used to fill in the gaps. When things do not work the way we want them to, we just add a constant to fix the problem. When the equation no longer works, we change the constant’s value.

Physicists know about this problem. They created gravity waves and shell modeling to compensate for the dimensionless mass. But gravity is still dimensionless. The dimensionless mass cannot create a 3 dimensional shape. We all know that gravity collapses under the scrutiny of the tiny. Quantum level objects do not show any signs of gravity. The particle accelerators prove this. They have yet to find any force that works as gravity is

2019-07-01 05:43:26 UTC  

I am not a scientist just trying to add to the discussion

2019-07-01 05:44:04 UTC

2019-07-01 05:44:31 UTC  

@California Nightmare I can prove it. It's just that any source and experiment i provide will be called fake news.

2019-07-01 05:44:50 UTC  

About those image perms?

2019-07-01 05:45:02 UTC  

Stop saying you can prove it
@President Sanders📍🇺🇸
You are wasting time
Prove it instead of talking

2019-07-01 05:46:36 UTC  

@California Nightmare I'll write a few paragraphs I guess. I'm not into going into a long debate and I know you won't accept logic anyway, but my OCD dictates that I respond to the egotism in you

2019-07-01 05:47:24 UTC  

@President Sanders📍🇺🇸 I don’t need paragraphs
I need evidence that proves curvature,rotation,& motion

2019-07-01 05:51:45 UTC  

!mute @Nigel

2019-07-01 05:51:46 UTC  

2019-07-01 05:56:53 UTC  


2019-07-01 05:59:17 UTC  


**Question Of The Day #126**

Was John F. Kennedy’s assassination orchestrated by Lyndon B. Johnson so he can become the next president?

Share your thoughts in the <#484514023698726912> 😃

2019-07-01 05:59:36 UTC  

didn't the warren thing stem from that

2019-07-01 05:59:40 UTC  

CIA orchestrated though I am sure LBJ had a hand in it

2019-07-01 05:59:43 UTC  

I think he's still alive

2019-07-01 05:59:52 UTC  

@The Gwench Possibly had a hand in it, but he didn't pull the trigger and likely wasn't the mastermind

2019-07-01 05:59:56 UTC  

someone started warren ___ to remove the idea that the assassination was planned

2019-07-01 06:00:05 UTC  

warren commission ?

2019-07-01 06:00:17 UTC  

Warren Commission was utter BS it's the origin of "shut up conspiracy theorist"

2019-07-01 06:00:24 UTC  

bingo, Sheeple

2019-07-01 06:00:31 UTC  

that was the point of it yeah

2019-07-01 06:00:54 UTC  

it worked somehow for most people

2019-07-01 06:01:03 UTC  

one of the most interesting assassination events

2019-07-01 06:01:07 UTC  

assassin getting assassinated

2019-07-01 06:01:33 UTC  

"Conspiracy" is a code word to discredit anyone who is talking about anything the Government does not want discussed.

2019-07-01 06:01:47 UTC  

conspiracies are fun

2019-07-01 06:03:48 UTC  

Lol. Too long to post all at once