Message from @Steve Angell
Discord ID: 596464406356033536
Why are objects in the moon light colder then objects in the shade @Happygrandad
it's still heat
light always contains energy, if it was cold it wouldn't have energy
theres a whole video explaining stuff about it
what is cold light and how does it differ from hot light
yes but the temperature under moonlight drops a little more than when not under moonlight
I am basically in agreement with moon phases as NASA would have it. Just not what we are seeing I disagree with.
When an object (or surface) is covered or shaded with a hand, roof, tree or cloud, it radiates less of its heat into the night air, and it will become slightly warmer than an object (or surface) that is exposed to the open night sky.
@Fran it’s cold
Moon emits it
how much colder is it
there's your answer
Their moon phases makes zero sense for the even lighting we see from the moon.
why is it colder
The Moon is flat not a ball.
it's possible to cover an object with moonlight without actually insulating it guys
so if moonlight makes a thermometer colder you can measure that
how do people detect this cold light
Temperatures of surfaces under an unobstructed night sky will lose more of their heat than surfaces with obstructions, roofs, trees or clouds over them, and this happens even on nights when the Moon isn't present
with a laser detector right?
@Fran not sure exactly
Colder then objects or ground that is in the shade
I have not been able to confirm moonlight is cool. Perhaps it is but I have not had success testing it.
if it was in the outside, it would be colder at night cos the inside would have insulation
@Happygrandad Yes
But not a detector
A laser thermometer
Not that I spent a lot of time testing it.
alright you guys just flew over my explanation on why it's colder
laser thermometers measure the air temperature, not what it directly points at
like you guys are saying putting a piece of paper 10 or 20 feet above a thermometer will change its temperature because of insulation @mineyful
It proves cold light
Anyone can prove it themselves
On my walks it was colder in moon light. But there were lots of trees which could have caused that as well.
The moonlight does not cause an object to get colder. It’s the object in the shade that gets warmer.
When an object (or surface) is covered or shaded with a hand, roof, tree or cloud, it radiates less of its heat into the night air, and it will become slightly warmer than an object (or surface) that is exposed to the open night sky.
yes so the measurement doesn't have to be done in different buildings
light contains energy, if it were cold it would have negative energy
which is impossible
yeah I don't think negative energy exists lmao
unless ur saying that the light is just colder than the surroundings
no, that's llike saying everything cold has negative energy @Happygrandad
Heat, energy that is transferred from one body to another as the result of a difference in temperature.
lol thats why i said the above
yes, light just has to draw energy from what it hits
Anything that is covered by moonlight is colder than anything that is in the shade and not in the moonlight