Message from @Drewski4343
Discord ID: 596465687023583242
some people think using a magnifying glass would amplify the cooling effect
Heat is the energy an object has because of the movement of its atoms and molecules which are continuously jiggling and moving around, hitting each other and other objects. When we add energy to an object, its atoms and molecules move faster increasing its energy of motion or heat.
But surely if moonlight was redirected sunlight it'd be warmer than cooler?
magnifying it would only magnify the beam
making it hotter surely
moon isn't that reflective hence the drop in temperature given off
I tried one of them. It did not seem to work well. Even then is the warmth just going into the sky more where the moonlight can hit.
The answer is that the Moon is actually not very reflective,the Sun is just very bright. The Moon reflects only about 11% of the sunlight that hits it. But the Sun is so bright that even this much reflection looks very bright to us.
The one I used not very good.
night is always colder cos we aren't facing the sun
it'd be different than sunlight
I remember reading that the ground is colder when exposed to clear sky because heat radiates outward with nothing to insulate it. Objects sheltered under something would be slightly warmer as they are partially insulated. For example, the ground under a bridge would have the bridge to retain a bit of its heat at night.
The sun has warmed the surface during the day. Once the sun goes down, the earth's surface will begin to cool (energy emitted is greater than energy received). This causes the earth's surface to become progressively cooler during the night. ... The sun gradually warms the surface throughout the day.
Yes but from melting rocks to no warmth at all. That is not 90% reduction in heat.
but ur not facing directly at the sun tho
so it will be alot colder
I'm very close to writing an essay on what's going on here
@Drewski4343 yes but that's different than just moonlight and nothing else cooling things down
The magnifying lens is most likely the best test. And moonlight does not produce any heat.
what do you mean, raspberry?
There are like 3 common things I see and I may just decide to write about it
moonlight is just light
@mineyful i've read what you've said but they don't seem to explain the thing
all light is just made from photons, so there is no cold light
Moonlight consists of mostly sunlight reflected from the parts of the Moon's surface where the Sun's light strikes.
yeah you guys keep talking but they don't
@Drewski4343 temperatures can be different in different buildings or in different settings. but you could just cover/uncover a stream of moonlight onto ao thermometer
Most of us use the word 'heat' to mean something that feels warm, but science defines heat as the flow of energy from a warm object to a cooler object.
True but photons can do different things. They shine a laser into the remaining air in a vacuum chamber to make it colder. So light can be used to cool.
Light can be used as the heat source, but the cooling power is not very strong. Much better performance is obtained when laser light is used to cool clouds of atoms and other small objects to near absolute zero.
steve's got a point
only if the material gives of more light than taken in
yees, photons can absorb energy. they are part of the electromagnetic quantum wave
Photons are actually a particle representing a quantum of light or other electromagnetic radiation. A photon carries energy proportional to the radiation frequency but has zero rest mass.
@raspberry so, covering the ground directly after measuring it uncovered has a warmer temperature?
nice explanation
So Moonlight could be absorbing energy. Cooling us.