Message from @Ricky Salads

Discord ID: 600100023778410526

2019-07-14 23:00:54 UTC  

and is a guy?

2019-07-14 23:00:54 UTC  

for me at least

2019-07-14 23:00:57 UTC  


2019-07-14 23:01:02 UTC  


2019-07-14 23:01:25 UTC  

Im about done arguing with lame trolls who can't even troll properly

2019-07-14 23:01:33 UTC  

no man i agree

2019-07-14 23:01:37 UTC  

How to troll properly

2019-07-14 23:01:39 UTC  

for their heresy

2019-07-14 23:01:42 UTC  

against the catholic church

2019-07-14 23:01:43 UTC  

uh oh

2019-07-14 23:02:11 UTC  

Stop posting violent comments

2019-07-14 23:02:20 UTC  

Or get banned.

2019-07-14 23:02:24 UTC  

Only warning

2019-07-14 23:02:28 UTC  

I disagree with their lifestyle, but jeez man.

2019-07-14 23:02:31 UTC  

True we are all flat earthers and we are all united so that we can destrog the illuminati kill all the chemicals in the water that is turning the frogs gay and go past tge ice wall to see all of the real true land unlike Australia

2019-07-14 23:02:53 UTC  

I just ranked up

2019-07-14 23:02:56 UTC  

you gotta burn the heresy away man

2019-07-14 23:02:57 UTC  

unfunny Alabamese Troll is unfunny

2019-07-14 23:03:00 UTC  


2019-07-14 23:03:01 UTC  

god said so

2019-07-14 23:03:14 UTC  


2019-07-14 23:03:19 UTC  

Ban this man

2019-07-14 23:03:20 UTC  

What do u mean i am real

2019-07-14 23:03:21 UTC  

Oh gosh lol

2019-07-14 23:03:25 UTC  


2019-07-14 23:03:31 UTC  

No ok m reL

2019-07-14 23:03:38 UTC  

are you going against the word of god?

2019-07-14 23:03:39 UTC  

thats heresy

2019-07-14 23:04:14 UTC  

!ban @FIREBIRD44 Violent comments and trolling

2019-07-14 23:04:15 UTC  

2019-07-14 23:04:18 UTC  

Love thy neighbor as thyself

2019-07-14 23:04:31 UTC  

Im real and not a robot that is part of the illuminati and chance is a fake

2019-07-14 23:04:55 UTC  

Who tries to ban people for his own personal gain

2019-07-14 23:05:19 UTC  

Do you guys believe in luck?

2019-07-14 23:05:42 UTC  

Im irish so i see it everyday

2019-07-14 23:05:43 UTC  

Not me

2019-07-14 23:05:47 UTC  


2019-07-14 23:06:08 UTC  

Somewhat. I believe luck comes from the divine.

2019-07-14 23:06:19 UTC  

Oh shoot i meant to say im an Alabaman

2019-07-14 23:07:12 UTC  

I am totally not a robot controlled by the government to destroy the sever and then the worlf

2019-07-14 23:07:22 UTC  
