Message from @Seeker of Truth

Discord ID: 601264265319415817

2019-07-18 03:59:27 UTC  

both then and now on the U.S. border are both humanitarian crisis

2019-07-18 03:59:54 UTC  

the US is largely to blame for the bad conditions in Mexico which is why people want to escape from there

2019-07-18 04:00:28 UTC  

because of the political hit man and dirty dealing with corporations which have gone down there to mess with their government and resources

2019-07-18 04:00:39 UTC  

look into how things are done

2019-07-18 04:00:49 UTC  

it is the same story over and over

2019-07-18 04:00:53 UTC  

all across the world

2019-07-18 04:01:02 UTC  

it is all just business

2019-07-18 04:01:04 UTC  

as they say

2019-07-18 04:01:35 UTC  

they force their way into other sovereign countries and try to take over

2019-07-18 04:01:45 UTC  

its about the resources mostly

2019-07-18 04:02:10 UTC  

Facism paths the way to allowing muslims to raid and run your country

2019-07-18 04:02:26 UTC  

Zeitgeist has a good section on political hitmen and how the process goes

2019-07-18 04:02:50 UTC  

multiculturalism is also a plan

2019-07-18 04:02:56 UTC  

order out of chaos

2019-07-18 04:03:32 UTC  

they reek havoc first then offer up the solution which they had already had planned / ready when the people cry out for help

2019-07-18 04:03:54 UTC  

in the mean time people's rights and privileges are taken away

2019-07-18 04:04:02 UTC  

and their quality of living goes down

2019-07-18 04:04:11 UTC  

and they lose their land and resources etc.

2019-07-18 04:04:18 UTC  

it is all part of the game

2019-07-18 04:04:28 UTC  

the rich get richer and the poor get poorer

2019-07-18 04:09:48 UTC  

from this time index

2019-07-18 04:09:59 UTC  

(economic hitmen)

2019-07-18 04:15:02 UTC  


2019-07-18 04:17:58 UTC  

How is the United States largely to blame for the conditions in Mexico that’s absurd there are more billionaires in Mexico then any country in the world

2019-07-18 04:17:59 UTC

2019-07-18 04:19:47 UTC  

where's the source for that

2019-07-18 04:19:49 UTC  

and aww yeah

2019-07-18 04:20:03 UTC  

Mexico govt and infrastructure sucks..

2019-07-18 04:20:41 UTC  

We grant them billions in trade..

2019-07-18 04:21:00 UTC  

still waiting for that citation that more billionaires are there

2019-07-18 04:21:23 UTC  

If tou didnt know that yer living under a rock

2019-07-18 04:21:33 UTC  

mate come on i'm just testing ye

2019-07-18 04:21:52 UTC  

China has the most billionaires in the world, with 248 more than the next closest country, the United States, according to the Hurun Global Rich List

2019-07-18 04:22:06 UTC  

^ source for that

2019-07-18 04:22:16 UTC  

The Mexican guy that bought the NY TIMES is just one of at least 9 billionaires in Mexico

2019-07-18 04:22:26 UTC  

no where near as many as china lmao

2019-07-18 04:22:42 UTC  

Mexico is not even on the top 10 but nice try

2019-07-18 04:22:43 UTC  

Im talking. PER CAPTITA

2019-07-18 04:22:52 UTC  
