Message from @DragθηFruit
Discord ID: 604110335531548697
But hollow can still he stable
Would require an increasing speed
Fc would work for hollow earther
basically being spun in a fast circle
Flat earthers dont say th earth is moving up
Nick is getting his info from controlled opposition
He went on flat earth society and think those are flat earthers
Do game designers have to code gravity in physics based games?
Or do they just add the weight of the objects and they fall
They add the physics
So they add a pushing force from below, or just by adding the weight things fall
Pushing force
Doesnt that prove gravity have to exist?
In a game yeah
all videogames are flat earth
But the game is mimicking reality
I think is a good example that gravity might really be a thing
Anyone banned on 24/7?
Wants unbanned
i noticed you're back on 24/7
are you Metatron now?
@RidleyChozo I don’t think he’s a angel from the Kabbalah
no the metatron witch fucked off
nate's unbanning all the OG's
I'm a jew
Who's the witch
There was this guy who dmed me and acted all weird
His name is "the people of earth", anyone know him
I am gay
**Eddie Bravo** Hey man, ever looked into flat earth?