Message from @Mr. Lea
Discord ID: 604115005323083786
Or do they just add the weight of the objects and they fall
They add the physics
So they add a pushing force from below, or just by adding the weight things fall
Pushing force
Doesnt that prove gravity have to exist?
In a game yeah
all videogames are flat earth
But the game is mimicking reality
I think is a good example that gravity might really be a thing
Anyone banned on 24/7?
Wants unbanned
i noticed you're back on 24/7
are you Metatron now?
@RidleyChozo I don’t think he’s a angel from the Kabbalah
no the metatron witch fucked off
nate's unbanning all the OG's
I'm a jew
Who's the witch
There was this guy who dmed me and acted all weird
His name is "the people of earth", anyone know him
I am gay
**Eddie Bravo** Hey man, ever looked into flat earth?
flat earth is pretty flat
I like curvy earth
&mute @Jim Halpert
I cant say three correctly#9520 has been muted for 7 Day(s)!
I gave him a chance
And he talks nonsense
That's an understatement based on his direct messages to me