Message from @Human Sheeple
Discord ID: 604120743952908523
There was this guy who dmed me and acted all weird
His name is "the people of earth", anyone know him
I am gay
**Eddie Bravo** Hey man, ever looked into flat earth?
flat earth is pretty flat
I like curvy earth
&mute @Jim Halpert
I cant say three correctly#9520 has been muted for 7 Day(s)!
I gave him a chance
And he talks nonsense
That's an understatement based on his direct messages to me
What did he send
@Human Sheeple can u unban from 24/7
what does that code mean
Your user ID
what do I do with that
hey boys
hello fellow flaties and globies
We should put a ban on the word flaties and flatties because it is clearly the smell of a troll
I like making flat earthers look dumb
I could add that to the swearlist but I won;t
at one point I wanted to add gravity to the swearlist
but then we'd lose half the debate
You would
When globetards vomit "gravity' then fail to prove an experiment they look like total loons
Flat earther’s will provide all kinds of stats & equations to proof flat earth but can’t get a picture
Theres no picture of the globe either
@Human Sheeple you can do an experiment like that cause the earth is too big, how are u gonna create something so big to make the experiment?
only massive bodies have a gravitational field