Message from @Tejiu The Gecko

Discord ID: 604257563684372501

2019-07-26 09:33:22 UTC  

Clorox Bottle Earth! @soullesstaire 😆

2019-07-26 09:34:27 UTC  

No, you fool, it’s obviously a velociraptor

2019-07-26 09:36:47 UTC  


2019-07-26 09:37:18 UTC  

I am so close to be done with my drawing
Just need to color it and maybe a few more details

2019-07-26 09:38:19 UTC  

Best of luck to you in drawing

2019-07-26 09:40:01 UTC  

Thank you

2019-07-26 09:40:44 UTC  


2019-07-26 09:40:45 UTC  

It is supposed to only be a new profile picture but I think I can use it for my private exotic pet business
Really liking it

2019-07-26 10:15:30 UTC  

The only true doomsday is the heat death of the universe

2019-07-26 10:15:48 UTC  

I can’t wait until I cease existence by becoming the soup of entropy

2019-07-26 10:18:01 UTC  

Question[s] of the Day #146

The End of The World is happening soon, right?
You suckers fell for it again... 🤣

Let's discuss the concept of doomsday(s) in the <#484514023698726912>

2019-07-26 10:18:34 UTC  

The world will end one day
When no one will know

2019-07-26 10:18:42 UTC  

Many things can happen

2019-07-26 10:19:18 UTC  

Many things can happen such as what?

2019-07-26 10:19:43 UTC  

"the sky is falling"

2019-07-26 10:20:28 UTC  

Depending on what you believe the world as
Meteors can end life as we know it
If the sun goes out and there is no light

2019-07-26 10:20:52 UTC  

Depending on what I believe?

2019-07-26 10:21:31 UTC  

So if different people believe different ways of how The World will end then that is how it will end for each person?

2019-07-26 10:22:37 UTC  

I don't think that meteors can end life as I know it.

2019-07-26 10:23:24 UTC  

The sun not shining has supposedly happened before and people are still here.
Perhaps if it doesn't start shining again for a long time forever, then that might be an issue.

2019-07-26 10:23:49 UTC  

No exactly
Just trying to explain it on a broad spectrum as not we all believe in the same thing
I am all for science and what we currently know about the world but there is some who will disagree with me

2019-07-26 10:24:11 UTC  

We probably don't need to worry about the sun going out though as long as the moon sustains it?

2019-07-26 10:24:42 UTC  

When the sun goes out it won't just stop shining, in its red giant stage it will literally grow to large it'll swallow the earth

2019-07-26 10:24:46 UTC  

so that's pretty bad

2019-07-26 10:25:16 UTC  

What people think they know of science and what is actually true are probably two very different things in my opinion.

2019-07-26 10:25:59 UTC  

I won't stop you from disregarding the centuries of research into stars

2019-07-26 10:26:21 UTC  

Oh so you think it will go out... guaranteed, no chance that the sun and the moon will last forever?

2019-07-26 10:26:53 UTC  

Why do you think they would last infinitely?

2019-07-26 10:27:52 UTC  

I'm just curious about the reasoning here

2019-07-26 10:29:39 UTC

2019-07-26 10:30:45 UTC  

Thaaaats not really a reason, but go off

2019-07-26 10:31:36 UTC  

join me in vc for discussion no homo

2019-07-26 10:32:07 UTC  

Energy cannot be destroyed

2019-07-26 10:32:55 UTC  

Correct, however the sun is yknow. constantly radiating energy through heat and light

2019-07-26 10:33:21 UTC  

Poor polar bears

2019-07-26 10:33:43 UTC  

Oh hello qweezi

2019-07-26 10:33:45 UTC  

Which is powered by nuclear fission reactions in its core! Of course eventually it's going to run out of fuel

2019-07-26 10:34:02 UTC  


2019-07-26 10:34:34 UTC  


2019-07-26 10:34:37 UTC  
