Message from @Mee6

Discord ID: 626082959212150814

2019-09-24 15:48:50 UTC  

2019-09-24 15:48:58 UTC  

pls bal Philip bank

2019-09-24 15:48:58 UTC  

2019-09-24 15:49:07 UTC  

pls bal the united states

2019-09-24 15:49:07 UTC  

2019-09-24 15:49:10 UTC  


2019-09-24 15:49:12 UTC  

pld rich 3

2019-09-24 15:49:18 UTC  

pls rich 3

2019-09-24 15:49:18 UTC  

2019-09-24 15:49:19 UTC  

2019-09-24 15:49:23 UTC  

500 coins withdrawn.

**Tip**: Did you know there is a lottery system? Try out `pls lottery`!

2019-09-24 15:49:24 UTC  

pls bal esep

2019-09-24 15:49:24 UTC  

2019-09-24 15:49:30 UTC  

pls bal anette

2019-09-24 15:49:31 UTC  

2019-09-24 15:49:31 UTC  

2019-09-24 15:49:38 UTC  

pls bal IG

2019-09-24 15:49:38 UTC  

2019-09-24 15:49:40 UTC  


2019-09-24 15:50:09 UTC  

2019-09-24 15:50:24 UTC  


2019-09-24 15:50:28 UTC  


2019-09-24 15:50:33 UTC  

OK good wait

2019-09-24 15:50:34 UTC  

i found it

2019-09-24 15:51:08 UTC  


2019-09-24 15:51:12 UTC  

i got muted for a sec

2019-09-24 15:51:16 UTC  

but ok

2019-09-24 15:51:18 UTC  

let's go

2019-09-24 15:51:34 UTC  


2019-09-24 15:51:34 UTC  

pls with 1000

2019-09-24 15:51:35 UTC  

1000 coins withdrawn.

**Tip**: You can turn these tips off with the `pls settings` command if you don't want to see them anymore!

2019-09-24 15:51:37 UTC  

pls with 1000

2019-09-24 15:51:38 UTC  

1000 coins withdrawn.

2019-09-24 15:51:41 UTC  

Wait wait

2019-09-24 15:51:41 UTC  

pls bal

2019-09-24 15:51:41 UTC