Message from @Little Annie
Discord ID: 298595091185139722
Calm your tits Weiner
Can Nonon or skeleton jelly vouche for me? I know them.
yeah you can be vouched for
it isn't a full vetting but it's better than non-vetted
Not everyone has a reason to have a mic cut the guy a break
But yeah just have someone vouch for you
the only reason to not have a mic is being a poor ass nigger
a fucking webcam can pick up voice
"the only reason to not have a mic is being a poor ass nigger
a fucking webcam can pick up voice"
basically this
and if you don't have a smartphone in CURRENT YEAR
get a job
thank you
At the very least you should have a phone
if you can't afford a mic you're a fucking COMMIE
@Little Annie join us would ya
Added undefined to the queue.
pls no bot
Voice chat yeah for vetting
I'm really sick right now I can't deal with like more than two voices at once lol
Well here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to submit reports to a higher member of your choice. Until I get a mic.
Only one or two guys at most will talk to you while vetting
I'm going to get one.
ok where do i go to get vetted?
get into voice chat
Join the comfy bunker, might not want to right now
About to vet two others
So it'd be a little
ok could you please let me know when you're ready?
You guys do realize you have a permanent link that's the first result on google right?
Yeah we're aware
This is a public discord, after all.
ok jay until you get a mic you're a commie.