Message from @Yabai

Discord ID: 630197543032193034

2019-10-05 22:08:01 UTC  


2019-10-06 00:11:30 UTC  

Planes won't gain altitude if you fly straight, because they are still bound to Earth's gravity. The way you visualize flight is incorrect. You could imagine the plane as simply a machine that propels itself fast enough, utilizing the air in the atmosphere, wings, as well as powerful engines to help, that instead of directly falling back down to earth, it simply continues falling, except it moves fast enough to miss the earth as well, creating a sort of equilibrium that maintains the plane in a stable flight. If you think about it like this, the plane has no reason to dip downwards to stay on the earth, as its already falling and moving at balance that maintains it in one, stable position.
Also, just in case you're wondering about the rest of the common issues flat earthers have with flight - flying against or with the rotation of the earth doesn't make a difference because everything on earth is already moving with it. If you move with the earth, your speed is that of earth + any propulsion you get from your engines, if you move against the earth, your speed is that of the earth minus the propulsion you get with your engines...moving at the speed of the earth being relatively motionless from your standpoint.
The same thing applies to helicopters. If you jump on a helicopter and hover for 6 hours, you will land on the exact same spot you left off from. The reason being because the atmosphere, as well as everything in it moves with the earth. Your helicopter traveled at the same speed of the earth event though it hadn't touched the ground. If it seems strange, just try playing catch with someone on the back of a moving pickup truck. When you throw the ball, it doesn't immediately fly backwards at 60mph, does it? it continues moving and reaches the other person, because it is moving at the speed that the earth rotates, and moves around the sun + the speed of the truck, + the force you exerted on it when you threw it. @rivenator12113

2019-10-06 00:11:57 UTC  

whered you copy pasta this from?

2019-10-06 00:12:05 UTC  

I spent the past 15 minutes writing it...

2019-10-06 00:12:55 UTC  

@Yabai assumptions

2019-10-06 00:13:52 UTC  

What is the coriolis effect?

2019-10-06 00:14:10 UTC  

You completely contradicted the globe model

2019-10-06 00:14:22 UTC  

You should go study your religion a bit more

2019-10-06 00:15:20 UTC  

*study science more. Science isn't my religion, it's a wonderful tool that I enjoy learning about every now and then...I'll look into this if I made any mistakes.

2019-10-06 00:15:35 UTC  

K youre insane

2019-10-06 00:15:57 UTC  

You had a chance to be a normal human. But failed

2019-10-06 00:16:30 UTC  

What is the coriolis effect?

2019-10-06 00:16:54 UTC  

Yabai, your low IQ means science is out of your grasp, sorry kid 🙂

2019-10-06 00:17:01 UTC  


2019-10-06 00:18:10 UTC  

That is an ad hominem attack...ouch. I never intended to insult anyone's intelligence here, but thanks for showing me that you break the very rules you're supposed to enforce...

2019-10-06 00:18:55 UTC  

No, you clearly do not understand science, an yet you try to use it, your assumptions show youre lacking the IQ to know when youre wrong!

2019-10-06 00:19:20 UTC  

Let me know if you want to cry more..ill be avoiding it

2019-10-06 00:19:30 UTC  

Once again, insulting me. IQ is a test based on one's ability to solve puzzles, it doesn't have much to do with actual intelligence.

2019-10-06 00:19:50 UTC  

Oh it does, an its 80% genetically inherited

2019-10-06 00:19:57 UTC  

but science int your thing, move along

2019-10-06 00:20:02 UTC  

It's been proven to not be a very accurate test anyway.

2019-10-06 00:20:03 UTC  

try knitting or sumink else, k

2019-10-06 00:20:29 UTC  

So because you scored low its not a vlaid test, oh okay 😄

2019-10-06 00:20:37 UTC  

So, if I'm the one being insulted, I'm crying about it, but if someone you don't like has an opposing opinion, it's a real ad hominem. Interesting.

2019-10-06 00:21:01 UTC  

No, I had a score of 136. It's not a very accurate test regardless.

2019-10-06 00:21:17 UTC  

Stating a fact is not an insult, its just what I have gleaned from our conversing here 🙂

2019-10-06 00:21:47 UTC  

What does my intelligence have to do with this argument, here?

2019-10-06 00:22:08 UTC  

If someone is wrong in an argument, it doesn't give you a pass to call them unintelligent.

2019-10-06 00:22:17 UTC  

Without intelligence you cannot scieence, ipso facto 🙂

2019-10-06 00:22:25 UTC  


2019-10-06 00:22:55 UTC  

If you were intelligent, maybe you would realize the way you spell sentences is extremely obnoxious.

2019-10-06 00:23:06 UTC  

^ that is an ad hominem attack.

2019-10-06 00:23:24 UTC  

How about none of us uses these from now on?

2019-10-06 00:23:24 UTC  

Anyway, anymore assumptions you have?

2019-10-06 00:23:38 UTC  

Nope, I have many, many more.

2019-10-06 00:24:00 UTC

2019-10-06 00:26:29 UTC  

Wow his last comment, real high IQ their bud 😄 😛

2019-10-06 00:28:50 UTC  

When you resort to making memes in a channel called civil debate..

2019-10-06 00:28:55 UTC  


2019-10-06 00:29:37 UTC  

Thats not a meme tho, k

2019-10-06 00:29:39 UTC  
