Message from @Silly Rabbit, Trix Are For Kids

Discord ID: 632003159325278218

2019-10-10 23:44:03 UTC  

earth spins once a day

2019-10-10 23:44:09 UTC  

How can gravity hold in entire oceans, yet birds can still fly.

2019-10-10 23:44:38 UTC  

The speed is what matters.

2019-10-10 23:44:54 UTC  

If you count the revolutions of a tennis ball, that could be a hundred days.

2019-10-10 23:45:54 UTC  

but the ball is much smaller than the earth

2019-10-10 23:46:03 UTC  

so we should spin it at a much slower speed to simulate the earth

2019-10-10 23:47:56 UTC  

That we'd need to experiment with.

2019-10-10 23:48:54 UTC  

Or we could just look up the physics of rotation

2019-10-10 23:49:25 UTC  


2019-10-10 23:49:31 UTC  

Or just not drop out of high school physics

2019-10-10 23:51:32 UTC  

hi bust down

2019-10-10 23:52:10 UTC  


2019-10-10 23:52:19 UTC  

issah are you claiming oakheart dropped out of highschool physics?

2019-10-10 23:52:22 UTC  

I'd appreciate it if you didn't insinuate that we are stupid.

2019-10-10 23:53:15 UTC  

I'm simply investigating a potential statement.

2019-10-10 23:53:54 UTC

2019-10-10 23:54:12 UTC  

What are claims if not backed up by evidence? That's what I've been seeing.

2019-10-10 23:54:20 UTC  

same here

2019-10-10 23:54:35 UTC  

I've done my best to provide examples and evidence, but I am not the accuser here. You stated that you wished to debate one of us, and you have done so.

2019-10-10 23:54:54 UTC  

When out of evidence, you retorted to verbal attacks.

2019-10-10 23:54:55 UTC  

expecting you to disprove their claims is shifting the burden of proof

2019-10-10 23:55:07 UTC  


2019-10-10 23:55:30 UTC  

@🎃Oakheart🎃 Did you take high schoool physics?

2019-10-10 23:55:31 UTC  

Sooner or later most just fall back on the "well you guys are stupid" tactic.

2019-10-10 23:55:34 UTC  

b/c this part is easy to remember

2019-10-10 23:56:42 UTC

2019-10-10 23:56:48 UTC  

I don't recall, I don't claim to have an outstanding knowledge of physics, but again, they teach you earth is a globe anyway.

2019-10-10 23:57:11 UTC  

You can't use globe physics to back up a FE argument, unless it's proven.

2019-10-10 23:57:29 UTC  


2019-10-10 23:58:20 UTC  

Three Worlds10/03/2019
the following statement is completely false " discord is a sphere, and you can see the curvature of discord as the things people say pass over the curve, and also, discord is so big that you cant see the curvature"

Attack Helicopter Cat10/03/2019
can you prove that?

2019-10-10 23:58:21 UTC  


2019-10-10 23:58:25 UTC  

at least be consistent

2019-10-10 23:58:37 UTC  

i can make jokes

2019-10-10 23:58:40 UTC  


2019-10-10 23:58:49 UTC  

thats not part of a serious debate

2019-10-10 23:58:52 UTC  


2019-10-10 23:58:56 UTC  


2019-10-10 23:59:00 UTC  

Forget what you've been taught

2019-10-10 23:59:03 UTC  

How ridiculous does this sound:

2019-10-10 23:59:20 UTC  

"The earth is spinning at over 1000mph, but you just *can't feel it*"

2019-10-10 23:59:31 UTC  

"The earth is one big sphere, but you just *can't see it*"