Message from @THE YETI

Discord ID: 613001855093571591

2019-08-19 02:32:27 UTC  


2019-08-19 02:33:57 UTC  

And then even if you'd like to proceed with the scientific method, more power to you. But how would you test the accuracy of these claims?

2019-08-19 02:34:07 UTC  

There's just no evidence

2019-08-19 02:35:41 UTC  

And if God gave us a rational and scientific brain that cannot be utilized to discover him, that's some sick joke

2019-08-19 02:36:36 UTC  

Even if I believed in a god, I wouldn't believe in a god like that

2019-08-19 02:39:54 UTC  

In my later years of being a Christian, I believed that God’s existence was unfalsifiable, but that we were just supposed to have faith, and use science for everything else.

2019-08-19 03:18:56 UTC  

Yeah I call that compartmentalizing

2019-08-19 03:19:26 UTC  

If it doesn't cause someone to deny science I'm not that concerned about it

2019-08-19 03:19:34 UTC  

But it sometimes does

2019-08-19 04:43:29 UTC  

hello fellow flatties

2019-08-19 04:43:31 UTC  

Well, you can't really prove or disprove the existence of a deity through science, it's why there's a part of philosophy that deals with metaphysics, the word literally means "the thing after physics". But having faith in a god shouldn't prevent you from using your brain and exploring the world around you.
I believe most FE people here are Christians so I will refer to the Christian Bible. In Matthew 25:14-30, The parable of the Talents, the master gets angry at the servant who buried his talent in the ground. God doesn't want humans to just be lazy and do nothing, he wants them to use the talents he gave them to better themselves. By extension, using science in order to explore and explain his creation is part of what he wants from humans.
It's pretty sad to see conspiracy theorists hide behind their bible to justify absolutely ridiculous things. God gave you a massive universe to marvel in and you sit in your basement and believe that the government is trying to dupe you into thinking the earth is a globe and that climate change is a hoax. This only shows they are lazy and misunderstand the message of the bible.

2019-08-19 04:43:32 UTC  

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2019-08-19 04:43:33 UTC  

Questioning what you've learned and doing experiments on your own is great, but you still need to apply the scientific method. So far, every experiment that supposedly proves that the earth is flat always had a flaw in the approach, but instead of accepting this, FE just turn a blind eye and continue to spread their ignorance and claiming that they are doing the work of God. The bible is mainly comprised of parables, it was never meant to be used as a scientific reference. If it were meant to be a scientific book, there would be experiments, measurements, equations and data.

With all the proof about a globe, there's no real reason to believe the earth is flat. Anyone who says so is either the product of a failed education system or someone who is trying to take advantage of others. And what baffles me is how many books does one need to understand "be nice to others". This verse pretty much sums it up: "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another." John 13:34

2019-08-19 04:43:34 UTC  

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2019-08-19 04:43:45 UTC  

hello fellow flattys

2019-08-19 04:43:45 UTC  

Welcome to the Ice Wall!

2019-08-19 12:33:45 UTC  

One thing i don't understand is why is it so important for the earth to be flat, i don't see why ? And you just have to look at a boat leaving the horizon to see that it's round.

2019-08-19 13:29:52 UTC  


2019-08-19 13:30:03 UTC  

Try looking into it

2019-08-19 13:30:31 UTC  


2019-08-19 13:30:31 UTC  

Welcome to the Ice Wall!

2019-08-19 13:31:09 UTC  


2019-08-19 13:37:11 UTC  


2019-08-19 17:44:15 UTC  

hello flat earthers

2019-08-19 17:44:15 UTC  

Welcome to the Ice Wall!

2019-08-19 17:44:23 UTC  

i have a question for y'all

2019-08-19 17:44:37 UTC  

how does the flat earth explain time zones?

2019-08-19 17:45:41 UTC  

like how is it night time in Australia but day time in England?

2019-08-19 17:47:43 UTC  

and what about seasons?

2019-08-19 17:48:58 UTC  

if the earth was flat, how can different parts of the world experience seasons and time differently?

2019-08-19 18:28:10 UTC  

baby#8877 Stop spamming! This is warning number 2

2019-08-19 18:28:28 UTC  

baby#8877 has been sent to Muted for spamming!

2019-08-19 18:55:52 UTC  

Can we make this server for trusted people only? Too many globe heads trying to debate when this server is to inform new people about flat earth model

2019-08-19 19:20:45 UTC  

i feel so attacked

2019-08-19 19:20:58 UTC  

how could you use such harsh words

2019-08-19 19:29:23 UTC  


2019-08-20 01:16:14 UTC  

@rivenator12113 What flat earth model?

2019-08-20 01:16:29 UTC  

You mean the flat earth hypothesis?

2019-08-20 01:37:26 UTC  

@rivenator12113 no. This server welcomes everyone. If you are having a hard time with someone. Please let us know

2019-08-20 01:37:59 UTC  

@sub-zero sandbox good question

2019-08-20 01:38:19 UTC  

The sun is not 93 million miles away