Message from @Soldz (CF)

Discord ID: 605997646267678769

2019-07-31 05:34:38 UTC  

We know @Morning Dew

2019-07-31 05:35:01 UTC  

Im just going by the Hebrew Calendar. I wish I could make it 4779, like it should be or so I think

2019-07-31 05:35:02 UTC  

agreed, i stopped believing in coincidences after i had spiritual experiences

2019-07-31 05:35:06 UTC  

I kinda hate when people say "Everything happens for a reason"

2019-07-31 05:35:15 UTC  


2019-07-31 05:35:22 UTC  

Date as it is written

2019-07-31 05:35:25 UTC  

Because it's so dumb

2019-07-31 05:35:27 UTC  

it does though, for better or worse. imo we’re a book already written

2019-07-31 05:35:43 UTC  

~~karma is a bit*ch~~

2019-07-31 05:35:45 UTC  

People's actions are the reasons things happen not some fate

2019-07-31 05:36:09 UTC  

same thing

2019-07-31 05:36:13 UTC  

It's like if you don't pay a bill, was that meant to happen for some magical reason? No the reason it isn't paid is because you didn't pay the bill

2019-07-31 05:36:25 UTC  

well most things do happen for a reason
Whether it's from people's actions or consequences or even just events that lead to that thing

2019-07-31 05:36:31 UTC  

you’re not making the logical counter you think you are

2019-07-31 05:36:55 UTC  

@Soldz (CF) the reason isn't always obvious tho

2019-07-31 05:37:11 UTC  

yes, you were always meant to not pay the bill, because fate wrote the actions that you willingly/unwillingly played out

2019-07-31 05:37:27 UTC  


2019-07-31 05:37:38 UTC  

Aw man

2019-07-31 05:37:52 UTC  


2019-07-31 05:37:56 UTC  

Even is that's the case there is still a logical reason why most things happen @I Am Strong🌷

2019-07-31 05:38:17 UTC  

You could have changed the outcome of it by doing the more responsible thing most of the time

2019-07-31 05:38:18 UTC  

yeah, but like I said it isn't always obvious what it is

2019-07-31 05:38:19 UTC  

Something about Karen B seems off

2019-07-31 05:38:20 UTC  

Lmao I was testing some servers to see if they would say aw man. I mean no harm. Good day and good bye!

2019-07-31 05:38:28 UTC  


2019-07-31 05:38:31 UTC  


2019-07-31 05:38:32 UTC  


2019-07-31 05:38:32 UTC  


2019-07-31 05:38:53 UTC  


2019-07-31 05:40:01 UTC  

in any case its a healthier mindset to believe that everything happens for a reason. the belief in random chaos and unpredictable futures is cancer to one’s mental health

2019-07-31 05:40:20 UTC  

keeps people in a constant state of stress and anxiety

2019-07-31 05:40:26 UTC  

I mean that ain't wrong lol

2019-07-31 05:40:42 UTC  


2019-07-31 05:40:45 UTC  


2019-07-31 05:40:57 UTC  

But if you can change the outcome of it don't say "everything happens for a reason"

2019-07-31 05:41:01 UTC  

It just makes no sense to me

2019-07-31 05:41:25 UTC  

Nothingness doesn't exist

2019-07-31 05:41:33 UTC  

The idea of nothing is relatively new

2019-07-31 05:41:39 UTC  

The invention of 0 ruined society

2019-07-31 05:41:41 UTC  

It happens for a reason but u can change the reason if the situation allows it

2019-07-31 05:41:58 UTC  

That's just cause human midn has a hard time conceptualizing nothingless