Message from @Soldz (CF)

Discord ID: 605996843935072286

2019-07-31 05:31:01 UTC  

And their culture

2019-07-31 05:31:06 UTC  


2019-07-31 05:31:08 UTC  

free will is relative, and theres patterns, themes, and motifs. i dont see how that implies randomness

2019-07-31 05:32:04 UTC  

it adds color and variety else wise everyone would be the same

2019-07-31 05:32:15 UTC  

Not that it implies randomness just more of control over self and indentity where in reality we are very much formed by our environment

2019-07-31 05:33:00 UTC  

which means the creator designs people for specific purposes and lets them try to figure it out

2019-07-31 05:33:21 UTC  

A person's morality is heavily impacted by what they are taught when they were younger or by their culture. It's not impossible to stray from it but it's gives an automatic predesposision

2019-07-31 05:33:26 UTC  

Its the year 5779, and people still think the Bible isn't real. Smh

2019-07-31 05:33:33 UTC  

i view it as having two distinct paths to take: by design, or against design

2019-07-31 05:33:43 UTC  

But I guess that would be a fair theory if ur a theisy

2019-07-31 05:33:52 UTC  


2019-07-31 05:34:00 UTC  

its actually only a thousand or so years after christ

2019-07-31 05:34:09 UTC  

they added a thousand years

2019-07-31 05:34:11 UTC  

yea we all have roles to play

2019-07-31 05:34:18 UTC  

everything has meaning

2019-07-31 05:34:23 UTC  

i dont believe in coincidences

2019-07-31 05:34:32 UTC  

Everything happen for a reason

2019-07-31 05:34:38 UTC  

We know @Morning Dew

2019-07-31 05:35:01 UTC  

Im just going by the Hebrew Calendar. I wish I could make it 4779, like it should be or so I think

2019-07-31 05:35:02 UTC  

agreed, i stopped believing in coincidences after i had spiritual experiences

2019-07-31 05:35:06 UTC  

I kinda hate when people say "Everything happens for a reason"

2019-07-31 05:35:15 UTC  


2019-07-31 05:35:22 UTC  

Date as it is written

2019-07-31 05:35:25 UTC  

Because it's so dumb

2019-07-31 05:35:27 UTC  

it does though, for better or worse. imo we’re a book already written

2019-07-31 05:35:43 UTC  

~~karma is a bit*ch~~

2019-07-31 05:35:45 UTC  

People's actions are the reasons things happen not some fate

2019-07-31 05:36:09 UTC  

same thing

2019-07-31 05:36:13 UTC  

It's like if you don't pay a bill, was that meant to happen for some magical reason? No the reason it isn't paid is because you didn't pay the bill

2019-07-31 05:36:25 UTC  

well most things do happen for a reason
Whether it's from people's actions or consequences or even just events that lead to that thing

2019-07-31 05:36:31 UTC  

you’re not making the logical counter you think you are

2019-07-31 05:36:55 UTC  

@Soldz (CF) the reason isn't always obvious tho

2019-07-31 05:37:11 UTC  

yes, you were always meant to not pay the bill, because fate wrote the actions that you willingly/unwillingly played out

2019-07-31 05:37:27 UTC  


2019-07-31 05:37:38 UTC  

Aw man

2019-07-31 05:37:52 UTC  


2019-07-31 05:37:56 UTC  

Even is that's the case there is still a logical reason why most things happen @I Am Strong🌷

2019-07-31 05:38:17 UTC  

You could have changed the outcome of it by doing the more responsible thing most of the time

2019-07-31 05:38:18 UTC  

yeah, but like I said it isn't always obvious what it is

2019-07-31 05:38:19 UTC  

Something about Karen B seems off

2019-07-31 05:38:20 UTC  

Lmao I was testing some servers to see if they would say aw man. I mean no harm. Good day and good bye!