Message from @THE YETI
Discord ID: 606317004785319957
@Alexandre Again you can not see the tallest waves. They can be two miles apart. Water very slowly raising and falling over a long time period. No way to see it. We did when we were on a Cruise and anchored to visit an island. As the ship blocked the waves we all of a sudden saw all these huge waves we had never before seen.
then i should be able to see the stripes reapearing and disapearing
They also go in numerous directions as we saw.
no proof
so what happens when i am in a plane looking down on earth and see the obvious curve lemme guess its and illusion of some kind
@Alexandre Look. Nothing I show you will prove you anything. You are locked into the Globe and cognitive dissonance is very hard to get out of. Mind control is difficult to beat. It took me thousands of hours of research to understand the extent to which I had been lied to on the Globe from birth. You will have to go and see for yourself.
what is the definition of mind control to you
The design of an airplane window is fisheye. it curves your vision if you do not understand to look only out the center of it.
Steve is correct
I just flew. Looking around the sides it was very clear it was curving my vision. Thank you Abe.
Rawr x3
The air seems to be clearer now. Should be easier to see. We saw city lights that seemed to be very far away at night. Far further than on earlier flights.
Jk I can't mute lol
so why cant you just go off the edge of earth
I wouldn't actually mute you if I could
I used to be able to
Your fine it's ok
We can not even go down there. Antarctic Treaty denies access without special permission. Impossible to get to explore is the earth flat.
steave why would the goverment want to hide the fact that the world is flat that also makes know since
Sheeple doesn't trust me
Even though I have "trusted" lol
Big sad
Abe is best