Message from @DinkyDingus

Discord ID: 606326083566174248

2019-08-01 03:08:51 UTC

2019-08-01 03:10:15 UTC  

Hey random question but how many of you are flatties

2019-08-01 03:10:24 UTC

2019-08-01 03:16:54 UTC

2019-08-01 03:19:08 UTC  

bob lazar is a liar

2019-08-01 03:19:36 UTC  

prove me wrong

2019-08-01 03:19:43 UTC  

If he isn't they can go to extraordinary lengths to airbrush people's history

2019-08-01 03:20:09 UTC  

the reactor he described makes zero since if you know atomic physics

2019-08-01 03:20:23 UTC  

I've never played with Moscovium

2019-08-01 03:20:35 UTC  


2019-08-01 03:20:55 UTC  

he's still lying

2019-08-01 03:21:18 UTC  

Certainly looks that way

2019-08-01 03:21:35 UTC  

But maybe that's what they wanted you to think

2019-08-01 03:22:06 UTC  

no, critical thinking and a thorough understanding of physicis tells me hes lying

2019-08-01 03:22:26 UTC  

who wants to debate me

2019-08-01 03:22:44 UTC  

You ever tried to fusion Moscovium together?

2019-08-01 03:22:55 UTC  


2019-08-01 03:22:59 UTC  

Then how do you know?

2019-08-01 03:23:23 UTC  

beacue his description of how the "anti matter reactor" disagrees with atomic physics

2019-08-01 03:23:25 UTC  


2019-08-01 03:23:49 UTC  

that isnt a logical fallacy

2019-08-01 03:24:10 UTC  

Yes it is, you trust Jews and their lies

2019-08-01 03:24:21 UTC  
2019-08-01 03:24:27 UTC

2019-08-01 03:24:28 UTC  

also, technically, mosocium isnt his description of "element 115" and he'll tell you this

2019-08-01 03:24:41 UTC  

is the earth round or flat

2019-08-01 03:24:41 UTC  

Moscovium, it has a name now

2019-08-01 03:24:47 UTC  
2019-08-01 03:24:49 UTC  

is this all flat earth

2019-08-01 03:24:49 UTC  


2019-08-01 03:24:51 UTC  


2019-08-01 03:25:08 UTC  


2019-08-01 03:25:34 UTC

2019-08-01 03:25:36 UTC  

ask him and he'll tell you it isnt the same thing and heres how. It's a different isotope. Supposedly "element 115" was a stable isotope

2019-08-01 03:25:36 UTC  

Jews/Jesuits/Zionist. Three names for the same people. Jews are Nimrod followers. They do not trust the Bible. Just what their Rabbis say around the text of the Bible.

2019-08-01 03:25:54 UTC  

moscovium was only produced in unstable isotopes and lasted for fragments of a second

2019-08-01 03:26:02 UTC  

Moscovium IS element 115

2019-08-01 03:26:07 UTC  
