Message from @DinkyDingus

Discord ID: 606327206947586049

2019-08-01 03:26:02 UTC  

Moscovium IS element 115

2019-08-01 03:26:07 UTC  


2019-08-01 03:26:23 UTC

2019-08-01 03:26:26 UTC  

"element 115" was a stable isotope which had 115 protons

2019-08-01 03:26:36 UTC  

giving it the atomic number of 115

2019-08-01 03:26:38 UTC  

Yes that's Moscovium

2019-08-01 03:26:45 UTC  

but moscovium is an unstable isotope

2019-08-01 03:26:51 UTC  

5 i believe, technically

2019-08-01 03:26:54 UTC  

No Moscovium is the element

2019-08-01 03:26:58 UTC  


2019-08-01 03:26:59 UTC  

who are flat earths

2019-08-01 03:27:10 UTC  

A stable isotope would have a certain number of neutrons

2019-08-01 03:27:13 UTC  

its a different isotope

2019-08-01 03:27:21 UTC  

who are the flat earthers here

2019-08-01 03:27:23 UTC  

do you understand isotpes

2019-08-01 03:27:23 UTC  

A different isotope of Moscovium

2019-08-01 03:27:31 UTC  

There are several of us Flat Earth.

2019-08-01 03:27:48 UTC

2019-08-01 03:27:48 UTC  

the earth is round my theory is

2019-08-01 03:27:50 UTC  

Yes I do here's the comprehensive table of nuclides although I do call bullshit on a few of them

2019-08-01 03:27:51 UTC  

firstly, dont get hung up on the name "moscovium" as the make or break

2019-08-01 03:28:11 UTC  

Human Sheeple are you a flat earther

2019-08-01 03:28:12 UTC  

So should we not call iron iron or lead lead?

2019-08-01 03:28:22 UTC  

then you would understand that what they produced in moscow wasnt technically "element 115"

2019-08-01 03:28:31 UTC  

he says this same thing

2019-08-01 03:28:34 UTC  

Should we call iron "element 26" ?

2019-08-01 03:28:48 UTC  

@Deleted User are you a flat earther

2019-08-01 03:28:53 UTC  

No I'm mostly flat

2019-08-01 03:29:01 UTC

2019-08-01 03:29:09 UTC  


2019-08-01 03:29:16 UTC  

why do you keep sharing that pic

2019-08-01 03:29:16 UTC  

so your a flat earther

2019-08-01 03:29:24 UTC  

you're*, and yes

2019-08-01 03:29:26 UTC  

Look at pictures of the ocean taken from 3,000 feet and it looks flat. Go to Salt Flats or calm lakes and they are flat. Russia has a huge lake and it will freeze perfectly flat. You can find numerous pictures of mountains reflected on flat lakes. No distortion by a curve.

2019-08-01 03:29:52 UTC  

so, outside of the semantics of "moscovium" and "element 115", do you understand why the reactor he described wouldnt work?

2019-08-01 03:30:19 UTC  

No because I've never attempted to build a moscovium reactor and neither have you

2019-08-01 03:30:40 UTC  

you dont have to build an "element 115" reactor to understand why it wouldnt work

2019-08-01 03:30:58 UTC  

all you need is a basic understanding of atomic physics

2019-08-01 03:31:16 UTC  

How can you say what would and would not work when you personally haven't experimentally tested it?

2019-08-01 03:31:22 UTC

2019-08-01 03:31:24 UTC  

do you understand radioactive decay and nuclear fussion?