Message from @tinaVey
Discord ID: 277958947380527104
I don't like Football, but I support Brady for political reasons.
@Papí 😠
All these american football shits
Football 4 lyfe
jk i hate sports
I would honestly think we protect anybody in danger of Antifa and shit like that, as well as doing community service @Cœur de Lion , i mean I fuckin hate milo but we should definitely be protecting them regardless
kl kl
that's what I mean though it should just be everyone who's being counter protested, or you jammed up with ideological battles etc
What we would actually do at those protests I don't know yet, I would think record everything you can, call the cops if something goes wrong, block them from trying to start shit or attack others, shit like that. You'd have to ask @Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe about that
defend yourselves
protect venues
Don't act like niggers
^, and holy fucking shit remove that nsdap moderator shit and racist shit from the org, not trying to be a SJW and say "it triggers people" but it makes us look unprofessional and villain tier as FUCK
toppest of keks, my dude
@Anticom LR#9355 Tell that to the Admin
i mean n word
same tbh
i mean you can say whatever you can kek, but i dont like that @Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe is a mod on the plebbit and has racist shit on there that the normies have already started getting triggered about
i'd say fuck all kikes any day but when it comes to being professional gotta take sacrifices
Kek what's going on
no need to tone police yourself
***Who Dropped the Tendies This Time?***
>over fascism
tbh i think we should give up and let social justice win :^)
I get your point but to play devil's advocate if someone's scared of someone saying kike online are they really willing to catch a punch protecting a right wing rally?
i'm not saying you should be scared of anything, i'm just saying @Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe in particular shouldn't have NSDAP should have won as the face of our organization top fucking kek
can you two communist cucks fuck off
wtf im ancom now
Wtf im antifa now