Message from @lovesick ♡

Discord ID: 611730880729186304

2019-08-16 01:18:27 UTC  

chinese re educate

2019-08-16 01:18:31 UTC  

they dont kill firs toff

2019-08-16 01:18:35 UTC  

educate yourself

2019-08-16 01:18:37 UTC  


2019-08-16 01:18:44 UTC  

““The muslims have a good fix for the LGBT and the chinese”

2019-08-16 01:18:50 UTC  

The Muslims

2019-08-16 01:18:55 UTC  

And no strawmanning economic system

2019-08-16 01:18:59 UTC  

Is what I mean

2019-08-16 01:19:08 UTC  

if aint broke

2019-08-16 01:19:11 UTC  

This was great fun and hopefully we were able to educate a good lot of you.

2019-08-16 01:19:16 UTC  

If she says she's capatilist I'm sure shenis

2019-08-16 01:19:22 UTC  

I've got some minecraft to get to now though.

2019-08-16 01:19:34 UTC  

@!GPT you saying you want to throw me of a building like the Muslims do?

2019-08-16 01:19:39 UTC  

It's 4:20

2019-08-16 01:19:40 UTC  

next topic

2019-08-16 01:19:41 UTC  


2019-08-16 01:19:44 UTC  


2019-08-16 01:19:46 UTC  


2019-08-16 01:19:47 UTC  


2019-08-16 01:20:05 UTC  

i think i know-

2019-08-16 01:20:07 UTC  


2019-08-16 01:20:07 UTC  

Welcome to the Ice Wall!

2019-08-16 01:20:13 UTC  

vaccines dont cause autism

2019-08-16 01:20:17 UTC  

@SiliconBassist @lovesick ♡ I gtg read a summer book about children who read porn mags and obsessed with sex. While I do that contact a psychologist about conversion therapy.

2019-08-16 01:20:39 UTC  

loftus go rea dit

2019-08-16 01:20:48 UTC  

you been doing more talking about it than reading

2019-08-16 01:20:56 UTC  

You're complaining about pedo's and you're reading a book about children and porn?

2019-08-16 01:21:03 UTC  

@!GPT hey

2019-08-16 01:21:09 UTC  

@!GPT vaccines dont cause autism

2019-08-16 01:21:30 UTC  

ya and vaccines have no side effects ever

2019-08-16 01:21:32 UTC  

i bet

2019-08-16 01:22:29 UTC  
2019-08-16 01:22:38 UTC  


2019-08-16 01:22:45 UTC  


2019-08-16 01:23:00 UTC  

Admin calls me an abomination and pow wants to throw me off a building, but those aren’t personal attacks because, according to admin, I’m not a person. Lovely server you have here.

2019-08-16 01:23:05 UTC  

injures which are linked to vaccines do exist

2019-08-16 01:23:24 UTC  

just the risk is so insanely insignificant

2019-08-16 01:23:55 UTC  

@iHells it's a summer book I'm forced

2019-08-16 01:25:03 UTC  

I like this analogy about vaccines: Vaccines are like seat belts. Can some freak accident happen in which the seat belt is responsible for an injury or death? Sure. But it doesn't outweigh the benefit by far

2019-08-16 01:27:39 UTC  

typical libtard there are 500 genders its ok to fuck kids cut your dick off vote communism

2019-08-16 01:27:48 UTC  

anything else im missing?