Message from @Bird-Finchine (UK, Wales)

Discord ID: 616344437563588634

2019-08-28 18:48:27 UTC  

They are not the ones in power
The one in power is the handler of that specific puppet

2019-08-28 18:48:58 UTC

2019-08-28 18:49:03 UTC  

You mean like the Clinton body count?

2019-08-28 18:49:18 UTC  

All working together
They pretend to be enemies on the outside but are friends on the inside

2019-08-28 18:49:34 UTC  

Wait so could hitler be apart of the Secret society he trid to wipe out a whole race?

2019-08-28 18:50:22 UTC  

The Nazis has some very weird religious beliefs that stems from the theosophical society

But they had societies like the Thule societies and the black sun

2019-08-28 18:50:44 UTC  

To suneat, do you just stare at the setting sun?

2019-08-28 18:51:02 UTC  

I’ve never eaten a sun before
I don’t know

2019-08-28 18:51:10 UTC  

A mistake that most people often make is to believe what they read in history books which are taught out of from government-financed schools

2019-08-28 18:51:26 UTC  


2019-08-28 18:51:29 UTC  

Why would they not try again? They killed over 6 millon and the war he started caused 50 millong deaths?

2019-08-28 18:51:43 UTC  

Hitler was funded by the Rothchilds and by the Bush family in the US

2019-08-28 18:51:43 UTC  

Are you sure?

2019-08-28 18:51:49 UTC  

or is that just what they said?

2019-08-28 18:51:56 UTC  

and how many times did they say that?

2019-08-28 18:51:57 UTC  

Other elite families in the US funded the third Reich

2019-08-28 18:52:05 UTC  

@Deleted User Suneat = sungazing, really.

2019-08-28 18:52:07 UTC  

And 6 million people did not die

2019-08-28 18:52:14 UTC  

That’s bs

2019-08-28 18:52:18 UTC  

But do you stare at it when it's setting, or?

2019-08-28 18:52:45 UTC  

As for the black sun... how do you post pics?

2019-08-28 18:52:53 UTC  

I have many pics of the black sun.

2019-08-28 18:52:57 UTC  

you need perms

2019-08-28 18:53:14 UTC  

Ah, how do you get them?

2019-08-28 18:53:27 UTC  

what are these messages

2019-08-28 18:53:29 UTC  


2019-08-28 18:53:34 UTC  


2019-08-28 18:53:59 UTC  

@Deleted User No, actual pics.

2019-08-28 18:54:09 UTC  

P.S., that looks like plasma.

2019-08-28 18:54:16 UTC  

@Satan Do you know me?

2019-08-28 18:54:25 UTC  

This is the black sun

2019-08-28 18:54:26 UTC  


2019-08-28 18:54:31 UTC  


2019-08-28 18:54:39 UTC  

I know which is said to be plasma.

2019-08-28 18:54:39 UTC  

Wait So the death camps where just distractions @Deleted User ?

2019-08-28 18:54:40 UTC  

We have real old DMS @Bird-Finchine (UK, Wales)

2019-08-28 18:55:42 UTC  

@KyostiNissinen nobodies were saying that they didn’t exist
Some dis sure
What we are saying that 6 million people did not die
That’s impossible

And many of those camps were used for experiments
Such as Mind control experiments on prisoners

2019-08-28 18:56:02 UTC  

There’s a reason why the CIA brought them over after WW2

2019-08-28 18:56:03 UTC  

@Satan Ohwow.

2019-08-28 18:56:20 UTC  

How do you get perms, though?