Message from @IG
Discord ID: 616409571287629828
or ban you
what rules will get me muted if broken
I know one
disruptive behavior
e i this conversation
!mute @Harry Evett
oh well guess I can't mute you
sorry I tried
dont worry
i dont need to be muted now
>>mute @Harry Evett
<:vSuccess:390202497827864597> Successfully muted **Harry Evett**#2532
what was that?
I can't hear you. : <
oh I got it to work
I am not here for your entertainment.
speaking of bots
which we were not doing
is rhythm still muted
Rhythm might be gone
rhythm is a dancer
So was yetibot the one that gave me basically every role?
you don't need to know
know what?
@L8 hello. 😃
Welcome to the Ice Wall.
What shape is the earth?
What do you mean?
I mean why are you asking this question?
What shape do you believe the earth to be? Sphere or flat?