Message from @gregory smith

Discord ID: 625029019162640395

2019-09-21 18:00:15 UTC  

And you are solevel tiny

2019-09-21 18:00:21 UTC  
2019-09-21 18:00:31 UTC  

Excuse my language im on mobile

2019-09-21 18:00:35 UTC  

I've seen that chicken video

2019-09-21 18:00:38 UTC  

It's hilarious

2019-09-21 18:00:45 UTC  

You seem like you voted for Obama @Imperial Guard

2019-09-21 18:00:51 UTC  

Im not american

2019-09-21 18:00:56 UTC  

Im european

2019-09-21 18:01:06 UTC  

you cant see that curve with your own eyes if the curve is smooth and the earth is extremely large.

2019-09-21 18:01:13 UTC  

Well, then let this

2019-09-21 18:01:16 UTC  

if you could see the curve

2019-09-21 18:01:17 UTC  

How do you know

2019-09-21 18:01:19 UTC  

Typical roundie

2019-09-21 18:01:23 UTC  

the earth would be really small

2019-09-21 18:01:26 UTC  

or really thin

2019-09-21 18:01:26 UTC  

Mars isnt flat?

2019-09-21 18:01:34 UTC  

Or venus?

2019-09-21 18:01:39 UTC  

Or any other planet?

2019-09-21 18:02:02 UTC  

now try to use your brain here, if you were standing on a ball as big as the curved earth would you be able to easily spot the curve

2019-09-21 18:02:03 UTC  

where's the curve?

2019-09-21 18:02:10 UTC  


2019-09-21 18:02:11 UTC

2019-09-21 18:02:13 UTC  

This is a.schematic

2019-09-21 18:02:25 UTC  

That curvature is about 0.2 degrees

2019-09-21 18:02:29 UTC  

NNot visible to the naked eye

2019-09-21 18:02:52 UTC  

You are not intelligent enough to comprehend my advanced intellect

2019-09-21 18:02:57 UTC  

0.2 degrees of how huge the earth is, you should still see it

2019-09-21 18:03:05 UTC  


2019-09-21 18:03:12 UTC  

Thats eye works

2019-09-21 18:03:18 UTC  

It aint a telescope.jesus

2019-09-21 18:03:22 UTC  

Your brain does not work

2019-09-21 18:03:22 UTC  

the earth has a radious of 6.371 kilometers and is really smooth curved

2019-09-21 18:03:31 UTC  


2019-09-21 18:03:35 UTC  

youre talking about 130 kilometers

2019-09-21 18:03:42 UTC  

Church boy

2019-09-21 18:03:53 UTC  

Damn. Now I got braincancer. Gtg

2019-09-21 18:03:55 UTC  
2019-09-21 18:03:56 UTC  

the photos were made by a strong camera, not our eyes

2019-09-21 18:03:59 UTC  

2019-09-21 18:04:53 UTC  

He was a troll I was right afterall