Message from @Abe Lover

Discord ID: 626234364371402762

2019-09-25 01:48:18 UTC  

I at least imagine the dimension of my sins

2019-09-25 01:48:28 UTC  

we may vanish

2019-09-25 01:48:38 UTC  

but I wish we can let our legacy live on

2019-09-25 01:49:09 UTC  

mayby humanity is killed by the machines

2019-09-25 01:49:14 UTC  

mayby we are assimilated

2019-09-25 01:49:19 UTC  

but that is our legacy

2019-09-25 01:49:40 UTC  

as the aprendice surpass the master

2019-09-25 01:50:07 UTC  

realization (n.)
1610s, "action of making real," from realize + -ation. Meaning "action of forming a clear concept" is from 1828. Related: Realizational.

2019-09-25 01:50:33 UTC  

If everyone drove a Tesla we wouldn't have car accidents and wouldn't need street lights

2019-09-25 01:50:42 UTC  

Tesla's will dominate 2030

2019-09-25 01:50:46 UTC  

thats been proved false

2019-09-25 01:51:02 UTC  


2019-09-25 01:51:05 UTC  

I hope science can make even better cars

2019-09-25 01:51:10 UTC  

Uh hi

2019-09-25 01:51:19 UTC  

self driven cars having accidents thats how

2019-09-25 01:51:29 UTC  

well, less than humans

2019-09-25 01:51:30 UTC  

Only time a Tesla has been in an accident is because of human driving cars

2019-09-25 01:51:33 UTC  

the flesh is weak

2019-09-25 01:51:41 UTC  

I was dared to join a flat earth server and say the world is a round complete speher

2019-09-25 01:51:44 UTC  


2019-09-25 01:51:47 UTC  

Elon musk said it will be safety nesure five by around 2020

2019-09-25 01:51:48 UTC  

claims ane

2019-09-25 01:52:01 UTC  
2019-09-25 01:52:13 UTC  

just give up your autonomy and youll be safer said the wolf

2019-09-25 01:53:15 UTC  

you dont need autonomy we will think and do everything for you, welcome to the borg

2019-09-25 01:53:30 UTC  

A hive mind

2019-09-25 01:53:58 UTC

2019-09-25 01:54:13 UTC  

I rather not drive in a car if I don't have to

2019-09-25 01:54:30 UTC  

If I get to point A to point B I'll be fine

2019-09-25 01:55:14 UTC  

can u guys make me believe the earth is flat

2019-09-25 01:55:29 UTC  

@Satan I would change my name if I were you

2019-09-25 01:55:36 UTC  

i wouldnt want to try to make you believe anything

2019-09-25 01:55:36 UTC  

2019-09-25 01:55:43 UTC  

shut up

2019-09-25 01:55:46 UTC  

@Satan change your name please

2019-09-25 01:55:48 UTC  


2019-09-25 01:55:57 UTC  

!mute @Satan

2019-09-25 01:55:58 UTC  

2019-09-25 01:55:59 UTC  

That pfp is a crime