Message from @BibleBot

Discord ID: 626589030523600916

2019-09-26 01:18:49 UTC  


2019-09-26 01:18:52 UTC  

He do a stop

2019-09-26 01:18:54 UTC  

!mute @tekashi

2019-09-26 01:18:54 UTC  

<:XMARK6:403540169992568833> **H8mz88**, you can't use that

2019-09-26 01:19:04 UTC  

If ppl cant figure out on their own how to bypass a dumb bot its their fault

2019-09-26 01:19:08 UTC  


2019-09-26 01:19:16 UTC  
2019-09-26 01:19:16 UTC  

&^%mute @H8mz88

2019-09-26 01:19:16 UTC  

<:XMARK6:403540169992568833> **SiliconBassist**, you can't use that

2019-09-26 01:19:18 UTC  

plebs haha

2019-09-26 01:19:39 UTC  

that actually scared me

2019-09-26 01:19:43 UTC  


2019-09-26 01:19:54 UTC  

bible bot

2019-09-26 01:19:56 UTC  

no reason to mute you

2019-09-26 01:20:17 UTC

2019-09-26 01:20:23 UTC  

bible bot be like

2019-09-26 01:20:25 UTC  

i am bible

2019-09-26 01:20:26 UTC  


2019-09-26 01:20:28 UTC  

is thatu h

2019-09-26 01:21:05 UTC  

Genesis 1:21

2019-09-26 01:21:06 UTC  

**Genesis 1:21 - King James Version (KJV)**


<21> And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. ```

2019-09-26 01:21:15 UTC  

oh ok

2019-09-26 01:21:16 UTC  


2019-09-26 01:21:25 UTC  

wait whales existed in year 0

2019-09-26 01:21:29 UTC  


2019-09-26 01:21:29 UTC  

i didnt know that

2019-09-26 01:21:30 UTC  


2019-09-26 01:21:37 UTC  


2019-09-26 01:21:37 UTC  

Genesis 7:10

2019-09-26 01:21:39 UTC  

**Genesis 7:10 - New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)**


<10> And after seven days the waters of the flood came on the earth. ```

2019-09-26 01:21:52 UTC  

learn something new everyday

2019-09-26 01:21:54 UTC  

Whales evolved in the paleogene period

2019-09-26 01:21:57 UTC  

Lots of things the bible says are interesting to say the least

2019-09-26 01:21:59 UTC  


2019-09-26 01:22:10 UTC  

exodus 1:1

2019-09-26 01:22:11 UTC  

**Exodus 1:1 - New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)**


<1> These are the names of the sons of Israel who came to Egypt with Jacob, each with his household: ```

2019-09-26 01:22:14 UTC  

Whales didn't evolve

2019-09-26 01:22:18 UTC  

Genesis 1:6

2019-09-26 01:22:18 UTC  

They were created

2019-09-26 01:22:19 UTC  

**Genesis 1:6 - New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)**


<6> And God said, "Let there be a dome in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters." ```

2019-09-26 01:22:26 UTC  
