Message from @Silly Rabbit, Trix Are For Kids

Discord ID: 633236858725335041

2019-10-14 09:30:08 UTC  

odd that a scientist would have faulty spelling

2019-10-14 09:30:19 UTC  

Lol i just type fast

2019-10-14 09:31:55 UTC  

Mag theres photos, video, you can mathematically check. No one has ever had a real photo or videos of the ice wall or this dome thats referred to alot

2019-10-14 09:32:20 UTC  

well we dont know if photos from goverment are real

2019-10-14 09:32:28 UTC  

claims require the burden of proof gan

2019-10-14 09:32:52 UTC  

And i can say the same thing about any proof you may have about the flat earth

2019-10-14 09:33:09 UTC  

Im not claiming mag asked me what i believe

2019-10-14 09:33:15 UTC  

i havent made a claim, so you just failed to shift the burden of proof

2019-10-14 09:34:00 UTC  

Cat that was a response to mags claim about the government

2019-10-14 09:34:16 UTC  

your claim. right

2019-10-14 09:34:41 UTC  

GantorkToday at 4:30 AM
Lol i just type fast
Mag theres photos, video, you can mathematically check. No one has ever had a real photo or videos of the ice wall or this dome thats referred to alot

2019-10-14 09:34:54 UTC  

No i believe the earth is a sphere. What you believe is your business im not here to try and change ur mind

2019-10-14 09:35:05 UTC  

are you sure?

2019-10-14 09:35:13 UTC  


2019-10-14 09:35:30 UTC  

dont you remember?

2019-10-14 09:35:50 UTC  

No im half awake sorry lol

2019-10-14 09:36:21 UTC  

Crazy ball TROLLS in here trolling a FE group lol

2019-10-14 09:36:29 UTC  

hi aoe

2019-10-14 09:36:42 UTC  

Hi and no im not trolling

2019-10-14 09:36:55 UTC  

Survey said 97% of ball trolls are just as mentally ill as the others

2019-10-14 09:37:12 UTC  

is the science settled?

2019-10-14 09:38:18 UTC  

The science is settled. 97% of Flat earthers love the FE almost as much as they love pizza πŸ•

2019-10-14 09:38:42 UTC  

which science would that be?

2019-10-14 09:39:09 UTC  

The science is in, the evidence for a round earth is that pizza is ROUND

2019-10-14 09:39:30 UTC  

and which science is that?

2019-10-14 09:39:48 UTC  

His troll science

2019-10-14 09:41:05 UTC  

the burden of proof is on you aoe

2019-10-14 09:41:31 UTC  

it has as much credibility as your '' ball pictures '' unfortunately. why would you rely on them when they are not verifiable in any shape or form?

2019-10-14 09:41:39 UTC  
2019-10-14 09:42:17 UTC  

Car is a Liar and a TROLL. The burden of proof is ONLY on the Ball Trolls

2019-10-14 09:42:21 UTC  

I mean if i had an extra 100mil laying around to build a rocket and go up i would but unfortunately im not that rich

2019-10-14 09:42:39 UTC who is car?

2019-10-14 09:42:54 UTC  

Cat the liar & Ball Troll loser

2019-10-14 09:43:06 UTC  

Goes in FE groups to troll them. Mentally ill

2019-10-14 09:43:11 UTC  

!mute enjoy your mute

2019-10-14 09:43:11 UTC  

<:XMARK6:403540169992568833> You cannot mute someone already muted.

2019-10-14 09:43:15 UTC  

Crazy sht

2019-10-14 09:43:24 UTC  

nae naed

2019-10-14 09:43:34 UTC  

nae naed indeed lol

2019-10-14 09:43:55 UTC  

friendly guy lol

2019-10-14 09:44:05 UTC  

Oh ya lol