Message from @romotec

Discord ID: 472883262583472146

2018-07-28 21:40:47 UTC

2018-07-28 21:43:42 UTC  

Tom Fitton is a solid dude

2018-07-28 21:44:57 UTC  

All those that were interested in the GAIA TV INFO from when David Wilcocks wrote his resignation letter rebutting HIS active involvement in the alleged luciferian, sacrificial, adrenochrome ceremonies. This is a part 1 link with Patty Greer & 2 others calling for GEM (GAIA employee MOVEMENT) them to throw out the Non-disclosure agreement & tell all the crimes they were witness or a part of. As many may know Patty has been a victim of D.E.W. which has slowed her public appearances.

2018-07-28 21:46:05 UTC  

Why dont we send food to Venziwalla????

2018-07-28 21:47:19 UTC  

Sending food to venezuaela would only keep the corrupt regime in power longer

2018-07-28 21:48:11 UTC

2018-07-28 21:49:40 UTC  

@Dina most farmers I know have borrowed for generations to be well to do. Equipment, land, crops, automobiles..etc.

2018-07-28 21:49:50 UTC

2018-07-28 21:50:16 UTC  

you didnt know what you were looking for.....'till you heard the voices in your head

2018-07-28 21:51:23 UTC

2018-07-28 21:51:24 UTC  

The Fb thing wasnt "big" in a sense. people at work didnt even know about it

2018-07-28 21:51:32 UTC  

MINSK, Belarus (AP) — The lawyer for a hunger-striking Ukrainian filmmaker who is imprisoned in Russia says the health risks for his client are rising as the protest enters its 75th day.

Oleg Sentsov, a vocal opponent of Russia's 2014 annexation of Crimea, was sentenced in 2015 to 20 years for conspiracy to commit terrorism. The 42-year-old denies the charges and has been on a hunger strike since mid-May. He also is calling for the release of 64 other Ukrainians imprisoned in Russia whom he considers political prisoners.
Lawyer Dmitry Dinze told The Associated Press on Friday that Sentsov is pale and lies down constantly because he has difficulty moving. He says "the hunger strike is continuing and with each day the risk is increasing."

2018-07-28 21:51:36 UTC  

People All Over The World Join Hands Start a Trump Train

2018-07-28 21:51:46 UTC  

His first crisis was on the 26th day of the hunger strike and they more or less stabilized him. Now everyone is waiting for the second crisis. They say that forced feeding will begin after the second crisis," Dinze said.
The European Court of Human Rights this week urged Sentsov to end his hunger strike. Sentsov has refused to seek a presidential pardon from Vladimir Putin.

2018-07-28 21:52:26 UTC  

Authorities seized "electronic devices" containing child pornography from the man's home.

2018-07-28 21:53:25 UTC  

@penelope I did not know about this about the Farmers on what they had to do Thanks for Sharing this

2018-07-28 21:53:33 UTC  

The first one had a mistake... sry... fixed

2018-07-28 21:53:36 UTC  
2018-07-28 21:54:19 UTC  
