Message from @Ladyhawktlc

Discord ID: 472895595032477726

2018-07-28 22:32:24 UTC  

the russkies seem to be in high spirits

2018-07-28 22:33:37 UTC  

@ Everyone Thought I would share this here and Pray the 8Chan Anons forgive me. I read this and I can feel their deep pain. I Still have tears rolling down my cheeks, This is causing to some of their relationships etc But they dig in anyway and give all they have. I want to send out Love not only to POTUS and The Q Team..but to These dedicated Anons as well.

2018-07-28 22:34:02 UTC

2018-07-28 22:34:30 UTC  


Here since almost the beginning. Need to make a bit of peace here, and a request for Q team.

There's a divide between what Q team is seeing and what we are seeing.

If you are Q team, you are directly aware of real threats, people who have died, real mission, and understand it really does depend on you.

They're frustrated, at least it seems, in these 2 messages.

If you are us team, anons, we are dealing with families, trying to disseminate info, getting shadowbanned, eaten alive in the press, all the while we have a deep understanding of world events which become extremely frustrating because nobody around you cares, they are all sheep that were about to be slaughtered and we know it. It's punishing on our lives helping out in whatever way we can.

This board is hard on us too, getting endlessly shilled, all the self doubt, but we muddle thru. We've committed so much energy to this, and we believe things are happening, but this gets very frustrating and tiresome.

2018-07-28 22:34:44 UTC  

@Everyone So guys
Compare what they are going thru to what we are going thru? We sound like whiny bitches, don't we?

Yes, mostly. We need to take a step back and think about Q team's life at risk every moment of every day. These are big events in their plan.

That said, Q team needs to take a step back and understand we need a bone. I too was led to believe that the big drop this month was JA… still have a few days, but the way I read these messages below is that the "BIG DROP" was the FISA reveal.
Q team needs to look at this and realize that ain't moving the public needle much.
We think of big drop and we think of something that is a mass change in public opinion or an arrest of a key player. We can't even determine if RR and RM are white or black hats and if this Michael Cohen crap is just for show.

Small request, stop making anons chase their tails with password hunting and such crap (not your fault they react this way) and give us targeted digging so we can have more facts at the ready when needed.
Lastly… just a guy who has a lot of people wondering about his mental stability over here, PLEASE throw us a fucking bone. We are trying to organize a "Q-anon" chant at the next rally… can you bless it? Give us something, please. We all want the world to change so badly.

2018-07-28 22:35:13 UTC  

According to an ex-FBI agent, thieves are using a device that can amplify the signal from the fob and control it remotely. BUT there's a simple way to protect yourself from the hack...

SHARE to let your friends know how to protect themselves!

2018-07-28 22:35:14 UTC  

Hey Karl!

2018-07-28 22:36:01 UTC  


2018-07-28 22:37:15 UTC  

Disney will be ceased per exec. order

2018-07-28 22:37:44 UTC  

@K5tactical says who?

2018-07-28 22:38:06 UTC  

@JonJon Who is on first.

2018-07-28 22:39:54 UTC  

Disney is a pedocracy...Executive order is 13818 Dec. 21 2017

2018-07-28 22:39:56 UTC  

@Vote_No_2_Zion nice first post

2018-07-28 22:41:09 UTC  


2018-07-28 22:41:12 UTC  

Trying to get some more eyes on a doc that Zenmaster is going through. Take a look and get with him if you have any insight.

2018-07-28 22:41:12 UTC  

You have gained a rank @WoodworkerAnon, you just advanced to 1 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2018-07-28 22:41:54 UTC  

@JonJon Speaking of rubbish--btw, I kind of like rubbish... 🤣

2018-07-28 22:41:56 UTC  

THE THUNDERBIRDS ARE TAKING FLIGHT! The United States Air Force Thunderbirds will be flying over Latrobe for the Westmoreland County Airshow.

2018-07-28 22:42:56 UTC  

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) – A march calling for action three years after the eviction notices at Penn Plaza Apartments took place on Saturday at Mellon Park on Shady Avenue.

penn plaza Protestors Call For Action 3 Years After Penn Plaza Evictions
Photo Credit: Dennis Lane/KDKA

The march stopped at noon at Penn Avenue and Highland Avenue, and then continued to Penn Plaza.

In 2015, LG Realty evicted over 200 families from the Penn Plaza Apartments in East Liberty to fill the space with luxury retail and offices.

2018-07-28 22:43:14 UTC  

Protestors are calling for action from the Pittsburgh city government and big developers to build back Penn Plaza, stop massive evictions, repair and maintain public housing and to form a community-controlled Housing Authority.

“We demand democratic control over our housing,” said Randall Taylor, a displaced resident and organizer of the event Saturday. “We need a people-led, community-controlled Housing Authority and we need to open up these community development corporations to democratic membership.”

2018-07-28 22:43:26 UTC  

dude doesnt listen lol