Message from @JonJon

Discord ID: 473130317050281986

2018-07-29 14:05:05 UTC  
2018-07-29 14:05:32 UTC  

REBEL @JonJon πŸ˜‚

2018-07-29 14:05:37 UTC  

bad dude

2018-07-29 14:05:46 UTC  

Revolution is beginning all over the world

2018-07-29 14:05:49 UTC  

You have gained a rank @Banskie, you just advanced to 1 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2018-07-29 14:05:58 UTC  

@JonJon Mee6 constantly harasses me. I post links to articles to show hosts on youtube (like to Thumper and Dead Cat). Robot complains that I am posting the same thing "over and over" again. I get yelled at for post Q if the drops are all caps. I get yelled at if I post a Q drop more than once. It's constant.

2018-07-29 14:06:29 UTC  

@Sara yeah thats what it told me lol. I even scrolled up to make sure I didnt lol. so in the end it never go tposted at all lol

2018-07-29 14:07:46 UTC  

thats an old one hehe

2018-07-29 14:08:41 UTC

2018-07-29 14:09:47 UTC  

mee6 mad at me today

2018-07-29 14:10:01 UTC  

πŸ‘‰ CNN Host Tells the Panel to Get Out of CNN Land, Trump Had a Good Week πŸ‘ˆ July 29, 2018

2018-07-29 14:10:15 UTC  

mee6 mad at me almost every day.

2018-07-29 14:10:18 UTC  

we have spam and potted meat

2018-07-29 14:10:22 UTC  


2018-07-29 14:10:57 UTC

2018-07-29 14:11:14 UTC  

😎 :πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 😎

2018-07-29 14:11:32 UTC

2018-07-29 14:11:46 UTC  

The most famous Gematria riddle is in the Book of Revelation:

This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666. Revelation 13:18

As you can see, this verse makes a direct correspondence between a number, a beast and a man. And God Himself is revealing only those who have wisdom will have access to what is being said. Do you know the difference between knowledge and wisdom? Knowledge is about knowing things, wisdom is about ordering them in a harmonious manner. Knowledge is to wisdom what notes are to music… The instruments are in between and Gematria is one of them… Read again. --

2018-07-29 14:11:47 UTC  

Truth unites us!!!

2018-07-29 14:11:50 UTC  

πŸ’‰ Routine San Francisco Train Warning! Don’t Sit on the Syringes! πŸ’‰ July 29, 2018

2018-07-29 14:12:25 UTC

2018-07-29 14:17:17 UTC  

CW: Right wing violence

Mass Mobilization Against The Alt-Right in Washington DC, August 10-12

We are calling all anti-fascists and people of good conscience to participate in international days of action August 10 through August 12 and a mass mobilization in Washington DC.

This is for Heather Heyer, ICE abolition, open borders, dismantling the prison industrial complex, and ending the settler colonial system. We will confront fascism, antisemitism, islamaphobia, white supremacy, and state violence on August 10-12.

Our lives were forever changed on August 12, 2017, when neo-Nazis, KKK and militia members, and Alt-Right trolls from across the US and North America converged on the town of Charlottesville, Virginia.

White supremacists lit torches and attacked students as young as 17 last year while the police looked on and did nothing. The next day, people bravely confronted hundreds of armed racists. In the ensuing confrontation, one person gave her life, and many more were scarred forever. Tens of thousands immediately took to the streets. Suddenly the world would never be the same.

Old statues fell. And a new street-based, grassroots power rose.

Now the white supremacists want to come back. On August 12, 2018, the Alt-Right will hold "Unite the Right 2" in Washington DC in front of the White House at Lafayette Square. Jason Kessler, Richard Spencer, and the Trump Adminstration are all implicated in the murder of Heather Heyer. The Alt-Right relentlessly harass and threaten people of color, women, sex workers, trans and non-binary people, and the undocumented.

Their rallies are all public displays of violence and calls for genocide. They are Brian Trainer and every killer cop. They are the ICE agents. They are the prison system that breaks up families. In Portland, DC, and Philly, the movement grows. We occupy ICE offices, confront racism, antisemitism, islamaphobia, xenophobia, and white nationalism.

2018-07-29 14:17:35 UTC  

πŸ‘‰ Betrayal of America! House Committee Passes Open Borders Asylum Rule πŸ‘ˆ July 29, 2018