Message from @Yeeboy5556

Discord ID: 763456092708798466

2020-10-07 17:18:38 UTC  

It's not a war crime if you win.

2020-10-07 17:19:02 UTC  

The secret to being hated as a race by everyone in the world is to be couple of standard deviations away from the mean of the IQ distribution @Barbaricus @Дмитрий Абрамович ... so blacks are couple standard deviations below mean and Jews are couple deviations above mean

2020-10-07 17:19:29 UTC  

It's not what you have, it's what you do with it.

2020-10-07 17:19:38 UTC  


2020-10-07 17:19:51 UTC  

there are those who use it to control the world and the narrative

2020-10-07 17:20:01 UTC  

and there are those who complain and sit on the couch all day

2020-10-07 17:20:03 UTC

2020-10-07 17:20:55 UTC  

slavic race is an interesting one actually

2020-10-07 17:21:05 UTC  

it is a student-t distribution maybe with slightly heavy tails

2020-10-07 17:21:27 UTC  

where the smart slavs are really smart and the average are retarded

2020-10-07 17:22:31 UTC  

hitler despised the slavs

2020-10-07 17:24:16 UTC  

"As for the ridiculous hundred million Slavs, we will mould the best of them as we see fit, and we will isolate the rest of them in their own pig-styes; and anyone who talks about cherishing the local inhabitants and civilising them, goes straight off into a concentration camp!" - Hitler

2020-10-07 17:24:41 UTC  

this is adolf describing this distribution in layman terms

2020-10-07 17:25:21 UTC  

hitler was a fucking idiot for the most part but he was right about expelling the jewry

2020-10-07 17:28:00 UTC

2020-10-07 17:32:16 UTC  

> hitler was a fucking idiot for the most part but he was right about expelling the jewry
@Barbaricus selective bias i see

2020-10-07 17:32:42 UTC  

goyms don't ever seem to amuse me with their stupidity <:tuckerlaugh:758872277550235658>

2020-10-07 17:40:33 UTC

2020-10-07 17:41:03 UTC  


2020-10-07 17:41:46 UTC  

lmao you showing me articles showing how nazis used the others as useful idiots

2020-10-07 17:41:56 UTC  


2020-10-07 17:42:05 UTC  


2020-10-07 17:42:18 UTC <@&759827396635131954> FRENCH INTERVENTION MIGHT HAPPENS SOON AND HERE'S WHY: As Russia openly refuses to intervenes in the Caucasus, I'm starting to suspect France may get involved.

First of all France openly said Turkey was involved there, which hint that France might be open to give at least diplomatic support for the armenians
Another thing to consider is that France is having an election in something like 18 months.

Last thing Macron wants is Le Pen showing videos of armenians getting beheaded by syrian mercenaries mentionning Macron could have stop it from happening.
As Macron was rejected by the left after the yellow vest movement, he relies more and more on the center-right to get reelected. In the french public and especially right, being against turkish expansionnism is nearly a consensus.
So if Macron wants to keep his credibility as "A world-class leader" to his people he could consider he needs to help Armenia in its war.
Also: as Macron go further and further in the steps of Nicolas Sarkozy, it's worth to remember that Sarkozy did the Libya war not too far away from his reelection campaign (That he lost anyway but that's another topic)

2020-10-07 17:42:18 UTC  

Bitch my great-grandfather married a pole

2020-10-07 17:42:23 UTC  

<:shockedrush:758776177472438312> <:shockedrush:758776177472438312>

2020-10-07 17:42:31 UTC  


2020-10-07 17:42:33 UTC  

Muh nazis hate everyone and used them

2020-10-07 17:42:44 UTC  

did the southerners use blacks in the civil war?

2020-10-07 17:42:48 UTC  


2020-10-07 17:43:11 UTC  

again... the obtuseness of some of you people never seems to amuse me

2020-10-07 17:43:40 UTC  

I’m not obtuse

2020-10-07 17:43:53 UTC  

pls snipe

2020-10-07 17:43:53 UTC  

2020-10-07 17:43:58 UTC  


2020-10-07 17:44:05 UTC  


2020-10-07 17:44:13 UTC  

@Benoit did you saw Putin's statement today? He said russia will help Armenia but CSTO isn't applied on artsakh. If Armenia invades a inch of land in Armenia proper then it might happen

2020-10-07 17:44:36 UTC  


2020-10-07 17:44:43 UTC  


2020-10-07 17:44:50 UTC  


2020-10-07 17:44:55 UTC  


2020-10-07 17:46:23 UTC  

Anyone who talks bad about israel will get muted