Message from @Dina

Discord ID: 477253854149476364

2018-08-09 23:06:16 UTC  


2018-08-09 23:08:35 UTC  

@Ramblin Man#5152 just cut monday. I run tests for an autoflower seed co. this one due for release in 2019... cant say I've found a more liberty loving community than oldschool growers.

2018-08-09 23:09:02 UTC  

😯 Leading newspapers mum on the Dianne Feinstein China spy ring story 😯 August 09, 2018 03:30 PM

2018-08-09 23:11:13 UTC

2018-08-09 23:11:24 UTC  

Those records taken from Arkansas need to be put in an underground vault protected by marines. They can be used in the trials.

2018-08-09 23:13:59 UTC  

Ten will get you 100 that those planes full of evidence will take a swing over the gulf on the way back to washington.

2018-08-09 23:16:33 UTC  

JA most likely will testify via a Skype [secured type link] with Senate Intel Committee. I highly doubt he will venture out the door.

2018-08-09 23:19:40 UTC
Justice News
Attorney General Jeff Sessions Delivers Remarks at the Alliance Defending Freedom's Summit on Religious Liberty
Alliance Defending Freedom's Summit on Religious Liberty, ML
~ Wednesday, August 8, 2018

......There were hate groups in the South I grew up in. They attacked the life, liberty, and the very worth of minority citizens. You may not know this, but I helped prosecute and secure the death penalty for a klansman who murdered a black teenager in my state. The resulting wrongful death suit led to a $7 million verdict and the bankruptcy of the Klu Klux Klan in the South. That case was brought by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

But when I spoke to ADF last year, I learned that the Southern Poverty Law Center had classified ADF as a “hate group.” Many in the media simply parroted it as fact. Amazon relied solely on the SPLC designation and removed ADF from its Smile program, which allows customers to donate to charities.

They have used this designation as a weapon and they have wielded it against conservative organizations that refuse to accept their orthodoxy and choose instead to speak their conscience. They use it to bully and intimidate groups like yours which fight for the religious freedom, the civil rights, and the constitutional rights of others.

You and I may not agree on everything—but I wanted to come back here tonight partly because I wanted to say this: you are not a hate group......

2018-08-09 23:25:29 UTC  

I found an interesting article via Newsfusion Science News - I thought you might like it:

2018-08-09 23:25:52 UTC  

Trump to create EO[s] to fix censorship with a follow-up for Congress to create a Internet Bill of Rights! Watch this video. EO's are coming soon!!!

2018-08-09 23:27:09 UTC  

Well. We came to the movie tonight to see Meg. This thing is like a ghost town. The manager said since Hollywood starting opening their Liberal mouths. That ticket sales are WAY down across the board. Funny how that happens.

2018-08-09 23:28:52 UTC  

You have gained a rank @Kaz, you just advanced to 1 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2018-08-09 23:34:02 UTC  

@No Regerts Trump to create EO[s] to fix censorship with a follow-up for Congress to create a Internet Bill of Rights! Watch this video. EO's are coming soon!!!

2018-08-09 23:34:18 UTC  
