Message from @space monkey
Discord ID: 477276211354271744
New Q. Bbl
I am trying to get my nerve up and come in the voice room. I am still trying to figure out some things. I have been on discord for awhile but just mainly post.
US Air Force! I'm a proud USAF veteran.
@La Q fly high baby
@Cynka I'm new to the voice room too. Last night was my first time. Everyone was so nice to me!
@Deleted User Off we go into the wild blue yonder!
@La Q Roger that
@La Q Good to know. I try to keep my husbands hours which means we go to bed early and get up early. I just did not want to come across as unfriendly. We can learn together.
💥 eradicate 💥
abolish, annihilate, black out, blot out, cancel, clean (up), efface, erase, expunge, exterminate, extirpate, liquidate, obliterate, root (out), rub out, snuff (out), stamp (out), sweep (away), wipe out ✈
@Cynka my husband is not red-pilled so it makes it more difficult for me.
My husband isn't either, thinks I have lost my mind
@Kaz sometimes mine will ask if Q has said anything new. So I keep hoping.
These great Patriots need everyones help!
💥 🇪 🇷 🇦 🇩 🇮 🇨 🇦 🇹 🇪 💥
@La Q mine has been too just lately. I have had YT 24/7 on all the time in the office and he hears the convo. He is asking when is something going to happen? Ha! I just say when the time is right
@Deleted User Its going to be glorious!
@La Q and you'll have the last laugh
Thank you for the kind welome in Patriots Soapbox Voice Chat folks! Have to go for now, but I will return soon. @Kaz @Phenom-anon @strong spear and the rest of the group!
@Cynkame too. I even sleep with ear buds so I can go to sleep with the safe sound of Patriots talking me into my dreams...
@Cynka I used to keep the headphones on but this is MY office so he has to suck it up. I think it may be why he is now getting impatient for some arrests.
My cat, Ronald Reagan.
New Q via
...Last Qpost..eradicate?
New Q 1826
@La Q Precious Kitty! We used to have one named Kit that resembles Ronald! Miss him. He used to run around on a foos ball table when my husband would sing 'Old MacDonald' to him. Love our furry family members!
Wishing for a flat tax for all.
You have gained a rank @La Q, you just advanced to 3 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!
Serving in the Air Force was the best thing I ever did!