Message from @Smiley
Discord ID: 488937659780300800
Agree to disagree
Speaking of weight loss, Gore looks like he's had surgery for it.
Yup, but likely for the days after 9-11
It's always bikini weather in Cuba
One world government
Tax countries for carbon footprint
Nonsense since China is the biggest contributor
Magic Johnson apparently did the blood cleansing process in like Germany. Hence why he no longer has AIDS. No sauce. Just what I heard many moons ago
Thank you POTUS
They never thought she would lose
That's funny
Oh geez
Donald Trump down the escalator
It's that Bludflud
I liked it
His Twitter feeds
It was all pedo crap
They don't want to lose that tithe
Figured so
Makes sense
Don't wake up the "masses"
During mass
I don't try to redpill
The structure of tax exemption granted to the chari- table and voluntary sector outlined in the United States Tax Code was developed through legislation enacted between 1894 and 1969.
You have gained a rank @Bobby, you just advanced to 13 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!
A 501(c)(3) organization is a corporation, trust, unincorporated association, or other type of organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of Title 26 of the United States Code. It is one of the 29 types of 501(c) nonprofit organizations in the US.
@Lady-RWB I just mention that I am involved with exposing human trafficking. That gets support. Let them find everything on their own
I was on QNN