Message from @drenath
Discord ID: 755984039013384214
the gunplay in Destiny 2 is pretty nice
Without that tool they cannot equal
in channel now
Hmm - I don’t hold a strong opinion either way, so it would be good to shape one hearing you guys
Hop in
Hey Dre
Guys, just ban every weapon and problem solved
Growing up with guns is insane... and useless. I mean they always create more problems than they solve
Also its insane for a person to own a rifle . I mean at most a pistol would suffice. Like CO2 gas gun. Not even real gun..
Outlaw guns, result is only outlaws have guns
I'm cross eye dominant so I'm right handed but left eye dominant
So the US Govt doesn't have enough administrative capacity to disarm the outlaws.. Than it's impossible to enforce other good laws in Healthcare.. Really flawed.
Zino you should speak up
System is doomed than 😦
Btw, how much does a polic officer earn in the US? I mean fresh from the Academy. Rookie
OOo so many guitars
pretty comparable to professional jobs or trade skill jobs
Hey can you sing Einsamer Hirte on a guitar?
This is Einsamer Hirte
Business Men in office is not good!!!
Government cant be run like a business
Proffesional politicians that follow an academic path in political science and Economics are much more suitable..And from Civil Society should be fine.
In Romania, students in political science do annual practical work. The more you go on that path, the more experience you have. By the time you finish the Doctoral Thesis you have 5+ years experience in various levels
Voting businessmen in office to represent public good is a "Nono" here. This is why they dont bother to run.
China has the most efficient political meritocracy so far. By far.
This is why they are so strong. You need 30+ years ox XP before you are allowed to become part of the Political Bureau
@everyone need your help guys..
Privatisation - Public Private Partnership is very controversial in the UK.
> So the US Govt doesn't have enough administrative capacity to disarm the outlaws.. Than it's impossible to enforce other good laws in Healthcare.. Really flawed.
@Yussuki ₪
The major flaws there are that US Federal government is not Constitutionally allowed to do either of those. In fact, they have a limited opposite duty to prevent states from abridging RTKBA, as "incorporated" by our 14th Amendment. Beyond FFC or various frauds, or some import controls, their obligation for health care is to stay out of it.
OMG .... Free Market is a myth..
> Btw, how much does a polic officer earn in the US? I mean fresh from the Academy. Rookie
@Yussuki ₪
$23k to $140k depending on jurisdiction, and in the latter (eg, places like San Francisco), potentially $70k during academy training. More if they do the right nepotistic connections for overtime or private assignment extra duty.
Unsurpisingly, that results in some massive differences in skills. Surprisingly, some of the highest paid jurisdictions have massive civil rights violations, where cops belong dead or in prison, but also generally black markets for drugs that drive up violence and costs of not just extreme police budgets, but secondary costs of insurance, security, and repairs and replacement to vandalism and thefts.