Message from @Yussuki ₪
Discord ID: 756342072830722058
In Switzerland? is it the same ?
Cause here is not punishable. Its punishable only if the minor is under 15
I believe its common law in Europe. the age of consent seems to be 16, this source seems reliable
“The age of consent in Switzerland is 16, as specified by the Swiss Federal Criminal Code, Article 187(1). However, there exists a close-in-age exception if the difference between the ages of the participants is three years or less (Article 187(2)).”
There is an exception for that 3 year age gap difference
Yes you are right. Indeed
Interesting . So it seems that most of the countries have different age of consent but all are under 18 it seems . It's different from the US it seems.
I think REVOLUT would be excellent to help fundarising ^_^ We use it a lot here. It's much easier to donate
Are you allowed to go into the woods and set up a camp fire and have a live event, out of the public domain or cities ?
Zino - I don’t think anyone saw your messages as the convo was rolling
Sure np. Was saying because here the rules that apply in cities (safety measures) dont apply in nature like woods so ppl dont wear masks and do whatever
This is why we have rock festivals and concerts into the woods 😂
Dre convinced me that gun problems is more like a people problem, since most of the bad stuff occurs on a few neighbourhoods. But still, I can't agree on individuals owning semi / automat weapons and shotguns 😄
Because of the degree of havoc they can inflict ^^
Haha good point
Feel free to speak up in the voice server Doctor Zino 😀
Sure thanks ^_^ Im cooking meanwhile since i'll have to be at work in 2:30 hours
AR 15
If people would find out 1 guy has one of these i think the whole national police + army would chase to find that guy. People would empty a whole town if they'd knew some1 owns one of those 😂
Hahah yea it’s such a cultural thing
I have one
I might have one. I wouldn’t even know
One-Man Army 😮
^Chambered in 9mm
This is the weapon that the police and military use here Beretta Storm
PX4 also shoots 9mm same as my AR pistol
I never saw a rifle in real life before like you have
it's not classified as a rifle under the NFA
@brucebruce You are the 2nd coming brother. This donation you made puts you in the Pangburn Hall Of Fame... Your generosity inspires me. dizzy
can't believe guns are viewed that way but
Such is a side-effect of the American gun culture
viewed which way
From Zino's perspective
By side-effect of our gun culture I mean me
I can't believe that he's so surprised by it