Message from @ola
Discord ID: 760272034378022922
The principle is that public services are available to all.
Victorian workhouses!
Guys. Let's work on a Political Doctrine and Constitution. Call it the PangBurn Doctrine and the PangBurn constitution. Let's build the perfect model of society
And when its finish, let's send it to every1 to debate it.
So we are the new founding fathers
just read The Republic dude
he’s my boy
What form of govt u like best?
from the ones he presented
philosopher kings running things
Than Aristocracy
Whats this? His investements?
Social Democrats = Big Taxes -> Best services -> High civic participation -> Constant improvement. High social cohesion. High self - sacrifice
Happiest citizens in the world live in socialist countries. And that's a fact.
Salaam Alaikum
Poor and proud!!!
Lobster is essential. You can't have a decent society on an empty stomach. Problem is: who do you reward more? the fisherman or the seller ?
the lobster reference is that it's a luxury, not simply sustenance
Yea i know 😄 i just found it deep.
I like Eddie Hall. Hope he defeats Thor
Yea guys. You vote on the delegates.
Every state has different no of electors
I'm a bit concerned. No one knows how the voting works!
If 51% of ppl vote vor Biden in California for example, all the California electors give their votes to Biden.
Sure. That's the easy bit.
This is how US voting works..its sort of a indirect democracy
republic 🙂
To become president one guy needs to have 51% of all electors. This can give birth to weird situation like with bush. Bush won the electors but lost the popular vote. lol
You can become president with less votes. But winning the electors. That's strange indeed