Message from @drenath
Discord ID: 760623095580196894
I meant that, price is not the same as value
Avoiding the morality issues around this subject is a bit silly. Just because it’s legal it doesn’t mean it may not be immoral. I’m seriously convinced I’m seeing a derangement over TDS. A reactive derangement to the deranged.
Yes. But it can also be argued morally, you agree, Kon?
The loopholes in the law are clearly immoral.
is it immoral to hire an accountant to exploit them?
You call it loopholes. I call it financial optimisation hehe?
Why don't more people have access to these "financial optimisations"? Because they didn;t struggle enough? - just saying, doesnt mean i endorse it.
tax code is needlessly complex
Yea i agree pete.
The law should be safeguarded against that optimization. I don’t believe it would be difficult to do.
one would need to be an expert just to know the loopholes exist
or further, an insider
If law safeguards too much, we die of hunger 😄
It’s over complicated on purpose.
My view is that - Fiscal Law is so complex because society and norms couldnt keep up with technology.
We now have the technology to simplify tax collection
Yang was a lost opertunity
We can track merchandise and people easily now
If tax code were simple, Donald Trump would have received a refund.
soon tax law will go away as mmt takes hold and ubi comes along. the gov just issues money and takes back what they need without your intervention
@kcon415 a "fair tax" collected by financial institutions, which removes the ability for the taxpayer to even commit fraud.
I just walked in, who "was like Trump"
what did they do?
livecast topic: Trump's taxes
It's debate about Trump tax JP
@drenath easy to say that a hypotetichal tax code thats fair would be better 😆
Pang just said that someone sounded like Trump. That's a good thing . imo
I mean, no
not everyone should do Trump 😛
But someone has to
@ChordFunc "fair tax" was put in quotes because it represents a specific model
Go Trumpy , go!!!
More NATO, less Ruski ! 😄
He’s entertaining in a disgusting binge worthy way.
Daniela Rus is a romanian researcher. Trumpy adviser on science and technology hehe 😄
Go Trumpy !!
just the beginning of tds
Guys, Trump is not alone. He has an army of ppl advising him.