Message from @JonJon
Discord ID: 493145611848384522
@JonJon all the rivers have been high, and yesterday it just rained constant
Check out @JudicialWatch’s Tweet:
It stalled out
So it just sat over us
Big storm
whats crazu is how LOW our rivers have been for years. so we'll get flooding but then it goes back to what it was...waaaay low
Go check out the Doppler for North Texas over the past 24 hrs. Pretty crazy
Yeah we get that too, because of the heat for long periods of time
Check out @outkold99’s Tweet:
@Lyonnaise de Dieu I am on it know. Appears to be badass.
You have gained a rank @MrScabbyUnderpantsEsq, you just advanced to 13 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!
That one guy crying about not being Let in for his Q shirt, will 💩 it up for everyone else 😂
Nothing to see here?
Check out @rowanwcroft’s Tweet:
Texoma area gets it bad
And south OK
Jet stream helps if I were to@guess
i alwsys hear tyler referenced when stuff comes up thru gulf of Mex. i guess when it goes thru louisiana it hits tyler area next
East Texas gets it as well as Houston when LA gets hit
@Semper Fi! - Q If legit, which I tend to think it is, its nothing short of EPIC BadAssery. Military grade.
@Lyonnaise de Dieu what yall referring to?
Check out @EmmaTurnerBN’s Tweet:
@Lyonnaise de Dieu watching it now
Check out @realDonaldTrump’s Tweet:
@WineMaker then again, could be a reference to HRC also.not sure
Check out @TimRunsHisMouth’s Tweet:
Check out @WendyMeer11’s Tweet: