Message from @Lee
Discord ID: 493168852734050304
I been posting on since 07
About Obozo and all this crap, i forgot how much stuff i wrote there
Shannon Bream has been doing some clean reporting on this.
I wonder how high she is on the vagas celeb deadpool
You have gained a rank @Jimbo, you just advanced to 5 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!
@**Åli̊čeȰn✨Q̣̇✨** hello ❤
So here we have an example of a DS operative drumming the war drums, have to have customers for the establshed businesses that create devices of war, if this revenue stream is completely cut of there will be thousands of dangerous mercenaries unemployed and with no proper means of employment they will likely turn to crime
@pocketangel3 thats not Monahan btw lol. she tweeted saying it wasnt her
@billyjim52 🙏 prayers to you that you may get the medical help you need
@Dina how are you?
@**Åli̊čeȰn✨Q̣̇✨** how are you?
@llasley(aka-kermit) I'm doing good how about you🙂👋
good ty